So what you are saying is, the fear mongering is done by the watermelons? It's not true then?
I know an engineer from SF who was a nuclear scientist. He was always advocating nuclear for green energy and said the effects were not what was told. MSM scared us for so long.
BINGO!!! Nuclear Power IS SAFE...and has so many safe-guards built into the system along with double redundancy...
The MOST important aspect is getting rid of the spent fuel rods HOWEVER there is a solution that will go along way and that is Thorium Salt Reactors...
There is still work to be done but it is doable!!!
So what you are saying is, the fear mongering is done by the watermelons? It's not true then?
I know an engineer from SF who was a nuclear scientist. He was always advocating nuclear for green energy and said the effects were not what was told. MSM scared us for so long.
BINGO!!! Nuclear Power IS SAFE...and has so many safe-guards built into the system along with double redundancy...
The MOST important aspect is getting rid of the spent fuel rods HOWEVER there is a solution that will go along way and that is Thorium Salt Reactors...
There is still work to be done but it is doable!!!