Why don't we have the best attorneys known to man? This isn't hard. The entire game is rigged, not just this one judge.
Predictions. Kari will lose and appeal. State won't hear it, it will wind its way to the Supreme Court who (by then) will decline to hear it.
Omnibus will pass (called that weeks ago) and McCarthy will win the Speaker. He will use the Omnibus as an excuse to NOT defund anything because "It's out of my hands." Democrats will routinely continue to pass legislation thanks to the UniParty. McC WILL hold hearings that will expose wrong-doing solely to depress the country because even with evidence, nothing will be done.
We'll move inexorably towards 2024 with nothing being fixed. Republicans will switch to a "join 'em" movement since they can't "beat them" and go all in for early voting, mail in voting, etc, but there's no way to beat the Demoorats at this game because THEY. CHEAT and our country has been invaded by millions who will vote democrat. Millions specifically moved to red states and red counties.
Republicans will never hold the While House again, and never have a majority in either chamber. Arrests will pick up of conservatives. We will have digital currency and social credit, health passports, and our carbon use will be regulated. The energy sector, particularly fossil fuels, will be destroyed. Rationing of power will become commonplace. Our birth rates will plummet, vaccines will be mandatory, all cause mortality will continue to rise. Unemployment. Runaway inflation. Sovereign debt crisis. End of the dollar standard. Poverty. Starvation Death.
And yet, Jesus Christ is now and forever King. It may be all we are meant to do is take a Stand - NOT win. Be prepared for your time to speak the truth, to tell the unrighteous to stick their evil whatever where the sun doesn't shine. And praise God all the while.
It's the judge.
These attorneys are not great, but the judge stacked the deck before the game started.
Why don't we have the best attorneys known to man? This isn't hard. The entire game is rigged, not just this one judge.
Predictions. Kari will lose and appeal. State won't hear it, it will wind its way to the Supreme Court who (by then) will decline to hear it.
Omnibus will pass (called that weeks ago) and McCarthy will win the Speaker. He will use the Omnibus as an excuse to NOT defund anything because "It's out of my hands." Democrats will routinely continue to pass legislation thanks to the UniParty. McC WILL hold hearings that will expose wrong-doing solely to depress the country because even with evidence, nothing will be done.
We'll move inexorably towards 2024 with nothing being fixed. Republicans will switch to a "join 'em" movement since they can't "beat them" and go all in for early voting, mail in voting, etc, but there's no way to beat the Demoorats at this game because THEY. CHEAT and our country has been invaded by millions who will vote democrat. Millions specifically moved to red states and red counties.
Republicans will never hold the While House again, and never have a majority in either chamber. Arrests will pick up of conservatives. We will have digital currency and social credit, health passports, and our carbon use will be regulated. The energy sector, particularly fossil fuels, will be destroyed. Rationing of power will become commonplace. Our birth rates will plummet, vaccines will be mandatory, all cause mortality will continue to rise. Unemployment. Runaway inflation. Sovereign debt crisis. End of the dollar standard. Poverty. Starvation Death.
And yet, Jesus Christ is now and forever King. It may be all we are meant to do is take a Stand - NOT win. Be prepared for your time to speak the truth, to tell the unrighteous to stick their evil whatever where the sun doesn't shine. And praise God all the while.