AAAA!! They've taken the lobby and are on their way up the elevator! THIS "HOLIDAY SEASON," send a special Christmas message to the shills, tards, and other assets of the "Ukrainian Dawn Movement" by remaining calm and pressing the DEPORT button! ❤️—your mods 😎🎄
Yippee-ki-yay, motherfuckers! 🎄

Nice, Catsfive. Stay strong.
Thanks, fren.. This holiday season, total challenge, not going to lie. Appreciate the communal support of our frog community. 🐸❤️
Praying for you Brother!
Thank you, frog fren. I really appreciate it.
I don’t reply much here. Kind of a based lurker, but thank you for what you do! Have a very Merry Christmas and God Bless you!
Praying for you. All our struggles are lessons I guess, Blessings are everywhere - look for them ❤️
(I wonder if God gets a chuckle with all these prayers going up for "non-standard" names. Lol)