I agree. Panicking over a disease with a better than 99% recovery rate for the vast majority of people is dumb.
2nd link: "Elon Musk, a longtime skeptic of vaccine mandates, says he appears to have COVID-19 'again'"
Elon is against mandates, NOT vaccines. A mandate is where someone forces you to get a vaxx. This is NOT the same thing as being anti-vaxx.
3rd link: An article from the MSM, "Time" magazine. Not sure what point you're trying to make here. Not sure I'd believe anything from the DS-controlled MSM anyway.
Nice try, handshake, but you still didn't make your case. Nothing here shows that Elon lied.
If Elon is lying, then provide the sauce, handshake. Otherwise, there's a seat in the back. Please sit down.
Nobody said we wanted him for president. At the moment he is controlled. That's enough for the moment.
Hmm...not one link to prove anything you've said.
1st link: "The coronavirus panic is dumb.
I agree. Panicking over a disease with a better than 99% recovery rate for the vast majority of people is dumb.
2nd link: "Elon Musk, a longtime skeptic of vaccine mandates, says he appears to have COVID-19 'again'"
Elon is against mandates, NOT vaccines. A mandate is where someone forces you to get a vaxx. This is NOT the same thing as being anti-vaxx.
3rd link: An article from the MSM, "Time" magazine. Not sure what point you're trying to make here. Not sure I'd believe anything from the DS-controlled MSM anyway.
Nice try, handshake, but you still didn't make your case. Nothing here shows that Elon lied.