The question is what? I couple of lone wolfs can’t do shit. It would literally take massive amounts of people to risk it all, and that ain’t even close right now. It’s a very helpless feeling
Hypothetically, a million armed American patriots would be able to do it without a shot ever being fired. No violence would have to occur with a big enough show of force and determination.
We the people have to do something or nothing will happen, it is that simple.
The question is what? I couple of lone wolfs can’t do shit. It would literally take massive amounts of people to risk it all, and that ain’t even close right now. It’s a very helpless feeling
Hypothetically, a million armed American patriots would be able to do it without a shot ever being fired. No violence would have to occur with a big enough show of force and determination.
Any attempt at organization of such a thing would be nipped in the bud immediately, and leaders taken out. Clearly the are monitoring everyone already
Then we might as well accept cabal rule and do nothing.
Tough choices need to start being made.
Thats inciting violence. Ban him BAAAN HIMMMM
Violating a private waterway?! That is a bylaw offense if i ever heard one.