Your Alt-Reality Is Boring......A plea for more interesting alt-realities than the Moon Landing Hoax, Flat Earth, and No Virus.
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The only person "lacking imagination" in this article is the author. He literally believes his brainwashing through and through and accepts his brainwashers explanations for the topics he criticizes. What a surprise!
The most devastating mistake made when attempting to discern truth is ->>> listening to "my side of the subject supporters" explain the opposing side's argument. It's like doubling-down on lies. The establishment lies on steroids.
The mistakes and errors in this article are so numerous it's laughable. Basically he's saying, "the establishment might be lying to us about a few things, but not these things...because.... the establishment SAYS SO!" That's some next-level critical thinking right there. The fruits of a public education that taught him WHAT to think instead of HOW to think!
But I digress, the other side of the argument is censored here on GA so blowing holes in this guys article is off limits....
These are some of my rotating wallpapers/memes.
You must always be willing to truly consider evidence that contradicts your beliefs and admit the possibility you are wrong. Intelligence isn't knowing everything. It's the ability to challenge everything you know.
If you're not willing to entertain the possibility you have been fooled, then you are the easiest kind of person to fool.
Questioning and doubting what's going on these days does not make you "anti" anything. Nor does it make you a conspiracy theorist. Actually, questioning IS and should be the place of reason. The fact that questioning has become taboo, should, in fact, send a chill up everyone's spine.
There's more that cut a little deeper, but I'll rest here.
Agreed across the board. I love the falsely attributed Mark Twain quote the best: "It's easier to fool someone then convince them they've been fooled.".
How and why things work this way, I have no clue. But this is undoubtedly the case.
I find it remarkable, that on this board, of all places, so many pushback on extremely well-vetted "conspiracies". It's understandable out in every day normie-ville, but here, where dozens of lies each day are discussed and exposed?
A long time ago I asked to be shown the truth, wherever it led me. Needless to say, it's well beyond all these petty materialistic topics, but they're still fun to investigate and discuss!
My exact words, said on many occasions. A corollary to that is that one can only solve a problem by identifying the actual source of the problem, and sometimes one's own actions/beliefs are the source.
Some people can let go of some false beliefs, but other false beliefs are so closely held as truth (sometimes linked to false self-perceptions) that where those things are concerned their minds are totally closed to contradictory information. I know some otherwise savvy people who know our government is traitorous, but who refuse to consider 9/11 was an inside job, and in fact go so far as to make fun of 9/11 truthers.
My Dad is one of those. Never bought the Covid narrative, believes our government is full of traitors, but 9/11? He gets VERY defensive over this topic. Refuses to believe it was anything but a handful of hijackers orchestrated by Osama Bin Laden and that Bush is a hero even when presented damning contrary evidence.
It’s quite confusing!
You speak the truth, however baffling it still remains. No doubt it takes time and assimilation.
Often times I talk with random people and they want me to "tell them everything". And when I say they wouldn't believe hardly any of it they get angry. I force them to ask me questions so I know where they're at on the "truth spectrum". Typically my responses are questions back to them like, "what if I told you all dis-ease starts in your mind?", to which they respond "you're crazy dude"...hahahaha. And of course I get to say, "see, I told ya you wouldn't believe me....and in my mind that's the least crazy piece of information I have to share!!!" hahaha ;)
I will say this. This realm we call earth is ENTIRELY based on BELIEFS. The cabal knows this full well. And this is why they work so hard and spend so much money on deceiving us. Because we are the creators of this reality, through our beliefs. They cannot create like us. Their role is to shape our beliefs in such a way that we become fearful and judgmental. Because when we do this, we become powerless and hand all our creative power over to "them", the "experts" and "authorities".
If only more people would understand this basic truth. The earth as we know it would shift in the twinkling of an eye... :)