This post is locked. You won't be able to comment. 119 AUDIO - CHRIS LANGAN HAS THE HIGHEST I.Q. IN THE WORLD (OVER 200) EXPLAINS MASTER RACE HAPPENING (kalergi Plan) ( posted 2 years ago by Tellstruth 2 years ago by Tellstruth +122 / -3 42 comments share 42 comments share save hide report block hide replies
yes and obviously anyone talking in public is controlled, so I doubt the claim of highest IQ would even hold up in testing.
Thank you for your informed observation.
Many are quick to criticize and denigrate without investigation.
“Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.” Attributed to a Einstein and others
You have met him? I know how PR works, and yes "his" thoughts are nice. Since anyone famous in history; Shakespeare, Isaac newton, Buzz Aldrin, Einstein, etc. are all cabal, it is hard to imagine that has stopped.