... I hadn't seen this movie in over 5 years, but in light of today's situation, it spoke to me in a way I didn't connect with then. Fake pandemic leading to the murder of the populace by vaccination, child sexual assault, government censorship, etc. this movie describes today to a T.
As a message to the normies, I would like to link V's televised speech and ask if this was fiction or a prophecy for the world in 2022? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IyuK069I-w
Also, was this movie based on a graphic novel? If yes, does anyone know where I can find a copy?
The Wachowski brothers, hmmm. The same ones as The Matrix?
Doesn’t all this seem moot, now, though, being as one of the Wachowskis has revealed his deep state connections by becoming Alphabet? So, is this movie the deep state revealing itself by announcing what it is doing?
I'd suggest it's all a big guessing game of unknowns. Wachowski brothers could be white hats playing a role/mole, they could be as you say revealing their evil for the devil, they could have flipped,.... either way I see V for Vendetta as a solid hopium movie to aspire to of sorts. if the cabal goes much longer unchecked it could become a near reality
when watching these things that don't put money into the pockets of the evil, I look at it as they are court jesters for our pleasure that has been doing the kings bidding. now that we know what the king didn't want us to know (whatever propaganda the king wanted their court jesters to push) we can enjoy the show and avoid being hypnotized
Very good points.