This is a critical point, a hinge if you will, for all that is going on in our world. I started watching this video someone posted here the other day and the beginning on Consumerism made it all so clear to me. What evil has done is create a world where Belief is equal to Truth. They can do this because it works on humans and especially well on groups of humans. The belief does not have to be based on truth but only on what is known about human behavior, specifically a deep need to fit in. But then there are those of us who figured out the scam early on, even as children, and we couldn't care less what anyone else thinks of us. We require Truth, Proof, Evidence and base our choices on these. This is the great divide in society today. This is exactly why the current culture is so crazy-making for us, we know none of it is true but they don't care as long as the masses accept one another they are "happy" and content with life.
This is a critical point, a hinge if you will, for all that is going on in our world. I started watching this video someone posted here the other day and the beginning on Consumerism made it all so clear to me. What evil has done is create a world where Belief is equal to Truth. They can do this because it works on humans and especially well on groups of humans. The belief does not have to be based on truth but only on what is known about human behavior, specifically a deep need to fit in. But then there are those of us who figured out the scam early on, even as children, and we couldn't care less what anyone else thinks of us. We require Truth, Proof, Evidence and base our choices on these. This is the great divide in society today. This is exactly why the current culture is so crazy-making for us, we know none of it is true but they don't care as long as the masses accept one another they are "happy" and content with life.
Very well said. It is frustrating to argue with people who confuse beliefs with knowledge.