Remember Craig Paardekooper? His scientific analysis showed certain batches were contaminated. He was vilified, run out of Twitter, his video banned, and DailyBeast wrote a hit piece on him.
The NIH study showed exactly what Paaardekooper's reserach showed:
All vials are not the same: Potential role of vaccine quality in vaccine adverse reactions (Oct 2021)
Remember Craig Paardekooper? His scientific analysis showed certain batches were contaminated. He was vilified, run out of Twitter, his video banned, and DailyBeast wrote a hit piece on him.
The NIH study showed exactly what Paaardekooper's reserach showed: All vials are not the same: Potential role of vaccine quality in vaccine adverse reactions (Oct 2021)
His video now allowed back on Twitter today:
Today his research is being used by scientists worldwide to reveal among other things that red states may have been targeted.
DB Hit piece: (Never forget DailyBeast conpsired to kill Americans)
The House even held a hearing on this:
But how many millions of contaminated doses hit the red states?
I hope CP sues the DailyBeast.
The Daily Beast wielded alot of power. Little old me replied to one of their lies and I was immediately suspended on Twitter.