Cates is right. We don't need the MSM to do jack $#+. And Rolling Stone today only showed us how delusional the ineffectual media is to believe that they can protect thier narrative by ridiculing us. It's clearly not working. The dam is bursting, and there's nothing they can do about it!
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But every time I go to an msm channel, I feed the beast, because of tracking, commercials etc. So using my head, we should cut all the traffic to them at all.
You are being tracked already. The streets you live in, your neighbors’ surveillance cameras, street cameras, surveillance of businesses. Your computer, your internet and phone provider. Your phones, devices, even your vehicles. Any wearables you may have. Your friends, who carry little tracking nodes, known as phones, can hear you. Even when they speak of you. Your credit cards. Do you think not going to these sites will protect you? You want complete protection? Move away from society that has any semblance of technology. Don’t use roads, be alone, in the woods, with no network capable devices.