I was just reading through some Q posts and of course landed on the most recent again and found myself scratching my head. I’m sure when it was initially posted back in Nov that there were some great theories but sadly I missed all the talk. Who put what in our DNA? Why was it put there? I’m confused and I know this community has some truly brilliant people. Would love to hear some of the communities thoughts on the post and what it could mean… thank you so much frens!
Edit - Thank you so much for the replies! This community always amazes me!
Based on Q post patterns, the lines “who put it there?” And “why” are answered by the next line which states that “mankind is repressed”. Therefore our best conclusion is that someone put something in our DNA to repress us. The following line also states “we will be repressed no more.” This line is significant because it indicates that this is not a recent development. This has been going on for a long time. It’s reasonable to conclude, therefore, that Q is not talking about the Covid vaccines. He’s talking about something else entirely.
One of the mods recently posted a video about the repression of human aging process by god in the ancient days, limiting our lifespan from hundreds of years to only 120 years. This is an interesting idea. Could this be what Q is referring to?
As for how do you protect your DNA, I think that’s mostly common sense combined with having children but I could be wrong about all this.
Overall this is one of the most cryptic and fantastical of all Q posts. Since he has not provided additional guidance, it’s hard to be sure of anything. When searching the term “ascension” you do get a lot of hits about DNA ascension and the freeing of your DNA. It seems like this might be what ascension refers to, although it’s hard to really believe it!
Thank you!