I was just reading through some Q posts and of course landed on the most recent again and found myself scratching my head. I’m sure when it was initially posted back in Nov that there were some great theories but sadly I missed all the talk. Who put what in our DNA? Why was it put there? I’m confused and I know this community has some truly brilliant people. Would love to hear some of the communities thoughts on the post and what it could mean… thank you so much frens!
Edit - Thank you so much for the replies! This community always amazes me!
God - sure could be multiple meaning. The simplest and most important is God created man in His image. We have the DNA from The God who created light. As we also have the dna of darkness.
if man is truly trying to bring forth the end times. Maybe a way to do it is to recreate what God has created.
I do not think it is the end times. I do think it is time of excitement. Excitement doesn’t mean roses. We are to close to the edge in my opinion but nothing I can do to convince a Nation to repent.
Who knows God might decide to it is enough.
Thank you!