Haha. I will take that. I naturally blend with very bad people and a long time I decided to focus on family and work. People drag one down or get jealous.
It is difficult to pull people out of their mental state and I will always try.
Before I got married I had about 5 people who lived with me. One mows the grass, laundry and so forth. I wanted them to get back on their feet and become awesome.
When I got married that way of helping people doesn’t go together. It is rough, but I look at what could be possible and tow the lines.
No different here. People need to care more.
So tell me what is genuinely wrong with me? See this is something you will have a problem with. I am nobody. Very quiet person. I see many here who proclaim how we are playing 5d chesss but when someone like me comes along you have to bully.
It is very interesting. Why would one have to say and do what you claim is correct to be welcomed?
Not very genuine if you.
Look at it this way. If you have a kung fu master who practices drunken monkey it will show how weak the other person is.
You are showing that weakness. The weakness you are showing and many others are too is you have started to believe you are the authority.
Why would I care about anything anyone claims about me? What makes you better?
I am a family man with children and a career that pans almost 3 decades doing the exact same thing. When I was a kid I would something similar to this to jocks who thought they were the superior. I do t mind exposing those like you is all.
Only God knows all. So now when you have a family member being a little different you can try and have a little discernment.
The path we are is getting better. We will start seeing a lot more physical fights in the next year with those like you. This is not a threat it is inevitable.
Tell the mods to ban me free than. It is that simple too.
This is what’s kind of funny to see going on. It is said these people are stupid. Yet when say “me” who believes they are stupid and ask myself what would a stupid person “do” ? Then sees how these people are married and a huge portion of lawyers are really only activists who wear a lawyer titles.
It is funny. Either these people are stupid or they are Very intelligent. Some define who is the they who are stupid?
It is an impossible task.
So the future of USA hangs on the balance of action. We can mock stupid people all day and we mock those like me all day to make us feel better, but it is all bullchit.
In telecom a lot of times we have issues with circuits and everyone will be doing this same stuff and I will always slip in the real issue and will always be pushed to the side and in the end i will always be correct.
Many get this stupid ego.
So the USA hangs in the balance (just like the issue I had yesterday with an internet connection) of this…..
that simple. Many here bicker and mock and many on the woke side bicker and mock and those are like communication issues.
Until people decide to stop mocking and correct the POLICIES it will be a forever swirling pile of poop.
The Democrats somehow managed to stop inside bickering for a time and now we have the Republicans who will cave when we need POLICIES to be looked at. Feelings is not a good thing for what is required.
Hahaha. I use things to see things. You are a democratic voter. Too easy to see you.. it is ok. The demoncrats split themselves down the middle.
It is like throwing out a fishing line. Say some things that only make sense if you can critically think and watch the demon rats break. I am going on 4 decades of such. In real life too.
One more thing that even my brother uses. He says Iron sharpens iron. I agree. Yet he views me not as iron. He only deems what he defines as iron as iron. God is very wise and I hope my brother sees this.
I hope Churches repent and start healing. It is mind boggling on how inept I am and yet I see and it is bewildering. I have faith in God and people.
Nice. Patience is a virtue.
The naysayers have never left society and they are also in their mind as good people. Traditionally they say things like “nothing will ever be done” and much more sayings. We all know them and we at times are them too.
I have already viewed a naysayer as a procrastinator. They show a good show but they hate change. They hate change for good and at times they view good as evil. Not intentionally (while some do have very bad intentions)—we have always just nodded to their logic.
This is changing. The cycle was broken and if you pay attention when in public you see many broken people. One couple in front of me at the coffee shop took 15 minutes to decide what they wanted and then they sat next to me t to me and my brother talking about Christianity and they could not take it and moved to the other side of the place. My brother looks around as we are talking to see who is around and this makes him decide what to say.
I say what is on my mind. He is worried about who is around. This is the stuff you see when people are broken and things are changing. They sense it.
Explain to the brother things he should already know. Many people are scared of change and they will view those like me as foreign. Tried to show him how he uses fascism to silence change. I am chill. I explained how his church allowed a health inspector who is a government official to run his church - right after he tells me Regan’s quote about how if the government claims they are here to help-they are not.
It finally dawned on him. Unbelievable. Yet these people we love have been in their complacency for so long and they will silence those like me using essentially fascism and commie tactics. I view it as comedy.
I am not perfect and just a human who has many issues and I have a Fod given Constitution in this country. Why would Christians silence those like me unless they are lost?
I understand there is different levels and different talents. As 2025 gets closer and into 2025 the slow and bitter will be weeded out. We are already seeing this.
Elon wanted to lower the noise of X and we now see other platforms where they can move these bots and woke mind virus types. They were gleefully herded to others like Bluesky. It was a success too.
The naysayers, doubters, and intentional deceivers will be bombarded at such a high level of truth that they will be extinguished. Change requires courage. This is why traditional media and methods were changed. The changing of the guard.
It is very fascinating how God works.
Here is what I consider. Many bots even here. They have a short range. As we move into 2025 this constant cycle of sources the bots use and the woke always require will met with with an attitude of why the fk do you not already know or look it up yourself fker.
Why? Because by doing that little trickle of control that those bots or woke people do is boring and a waste of time.
There was once a time when people went to church and everyone knew the one and same Bible and when the Preacher would preach. The people would be able to discern from their own knowledge.
We will get back to those times and the bots which are manmade will be squashed and the woke mind virus which is only to be a mockery of good people will be bitch slapped.
Know your source is no different than wearing a mask. This point in the game.
Wonder. The one package i have been waiting for the longest is from New York City. It traveled to my city and bounced around between hubs and then to Chicago and now is bouncing between hubs in my city. Then other packages from California seem to be making without bouncing to Chicago. Maybe it is 2 issues coupled together.
Maybe if they are truly searching for something like being said it could possibly be a target to get Christmas presents covered in radiation? Or they are sowing the seeds of another power move to lockdown using this in the next month.
I wish I had a meter to read my mail now.
It is all good. I believe you are a critical thinker and very intelligent. What is awesome about those like you is when things become more clear you will adjust as needed.
Nothing wrong with questioning anything and being honest.
I guarantee you that you are more intelligent than me. I am very intelligent too.
We all have different ways to view things and that is important.
This week I was installing a very large point to point pipe for a private network from one state to another… I have not been involved with this project but my manager put me in it. A year and a half it has been going on.
Most people do not want to offfend others so to speak. I just want to get the job done and be done with it. We have to test these types of connections before we roll it to the entity who will use it.
I ask questions while I am testing it. Because I hear little things.. like clicking errors right.. nothing was ever plugged into the new pipe so how are they seeing errors clocking?
The test lasts a few days then I return. It passes and the tech on the other end says that side passed too. I am on a conf bridge with people waaaaay above my pay grade and should be able to do wasaay more than me. Yet I am that guy… so one of the techs on the phones said a number and I say that number is not this room on two racks. The tech says I will flash the card.. I see it flash. Tell the onsite it guy to run a fiber to that and unplug what is in it and plug this new one if it.
Done —- now if I do what 99 percent of people do. This would still never be done…. I have thousands of scenarios over almost 3 decades I have always done this.
I was the best at Dennys breakfast when I was a little kid. I always connected every dot in order. ;)
Yeah I log into the usps server with a username and password. Anyone can set it up. I think it shows more of the details that way. Usually when something like this happens it is not just me. It is only a matter of time (years lol) and someone will write a story about it. Haha
Here is a quick link to it. I prefer other medias but I can not jam what I pay attention too in a post. I prefer to view things live and real time. During cases and from regular people.
But here is this.
If you are asking for proof just look it up. The four families were only awarded 100,000 dollars. Look up the court case and the reports. The sheriff is still not apologizing.
This is a very easy thing to look up. There is a lot of things I pay attention too. Most things take years and decades to see the conclusion.
It is rich if you are asking for a source on such a platform where many claim they are here for the truth. It only shows who you are.
I have lived my whole life where people either are miles behind, do not comprehend what I am saying, say I am a liar, and more… it is funny to see this here too :) makes me smile
This Ai stuff is interesting. Has anyone seen what Florida did with ai and law enforcement? 2021? Predictive Policing. I believe that was supposed to take off in every city/town. They used ai to predict crime and arrested people for future crimes in the USA.
Ai is manmade therefore it is flawed and will never be independent. I will theorize into things because it is fun to do so. Like what if Satan takes over ai? Or a possessed person who codes the ai? The later is more plausible than Satan having full reign.
Ai is like wearing a mask… most times it doesn’t make sense unless you want to be a perpetrator or a victim of a manmade god. Ai :)
Good deals…
In the Bible Jesus says those who are first will be last and last , first.
To me a Leader is a servant to who they Lead. To a globalist a Leader is who serves Satan and rules people.
Justin is like a lukewarm bitch who neither serves nor leads in both outlooks. The worst type is Justin. Since we are still not demanding these globalist to be incarcerated for their crimes, she will slither to another role and continue ruling.
Nice. I used to believe people were more capable than what they really are.
When all this went was going on. Hmm.. let me think. In 2019 I got a flu shot for the first time since I left the military. So a long time. I only got it because my wife said to.. I was asleep so to speak.
I also had a sales lady coming from HI and she traveled thru San Francisco and when she returned from San Francisco the same day we had a telecom cut for a hotel. She gave me a hug.
I never been so sick before. 2 weeks straight. Lungs on fire and had to sleep sitting up in a chair. Wheezing with a pulse oximeter reading -go to hospital- wife was saying that too.
I said nope. I breathed in the nose and out the mouse and would get my oxygen up until I fell asleep. Then repeat. Did that for days…..
When recovered is the very beginning of lock downs. I knew something was up and I was not going to take any vaccine that was for sure. So call it naturally knowing.
This is when i was called a conspiracy theorist for the first time and started getting kicked off of Facebook.
How many others went through similar as me? I believe lots and lots.
This is when I dusted off my faith in God and prayed. See I used to study the Bible for a hobby and did not watch TV, music, news, and such for a stretch like 5-6 years straight. I worked but after work I would go home and study. So work and study was my whole life these 5-6 years when I was single. I owned no tv, phone, radio. Maybe like a fasting from society.
I knew. I suspect others knew. Trump is not singular. Trump is not a god either. He is a man.
Simple but complicated at the same time. I still do not think we are in the end times but a manufactured by man end times. Yet God will possibly destroy USA if man gets us turned enough.
So I understand you and you may think I am blabbering and confusing. lol. In the levels of war and confusion we will always have casualties. It is sad and it is bad because we are in this situation from those who proclaim they are the good.
Christmas soon. All of a sudden all packages shipped to me goes to my city, then to another city and then back to my city and eventually delivered.
Started around the same time the ufo hoax started.
After they are delivered all of a sudden in the fracking history the part when it reaches my city then to the other city and back is erased.
I assume everyone’s usps packages are doing the same thing. I don’t think I am special but maybe is suppose.
My theory is if there was indeed some threat or leak maybe they are required to run all packages to this other city that may have the process of sniffing for what they are searching for. The cover they have right now is it is the holidays and packages are heavy this time of year… which I would normally be on with.
I do a lot of shipping back and forth and within the USA it has never been 10 plus days for small packages. Upwards to 20 days on one at least.
It is on purpose and could be the foundation for their narrative. They always have a few things they throw and see what sticks approach.
I use the usps login to track all mail going to my address. I set this up a very long time ago because I had someone change my address (hacked essentially) and the fraud thing I did required me to get a log in to the usps so I can keep an eye on shipments. At first I thought I was hacked again and went to the local usps service and she blabbered so much about avoiding my simple question and nothing about Christmas packages… basically she knew more than she could say and pushed me out of the post office. Like I would do in telecom to another in some circumstances.
At times I remember there was kamikaze soldiers who do things intentionally for their cause. People today seem to not be able to comprehend that level of dedication. So at times I wonder if we have people who are that level of dedication and we view it as a MkUltra Pysop?
I believe if you took a child and taught the child 2 plus 2 equals 5 and it rooted into their psyche… their whole entire live they would be stuck on that.
We have had upwards to 500,000 thousand children go missing? We have people with millions/billions of dollars. They have the funds and power to raise these children into kamikaze soldiers and in 20 years will see another flood of this junk.
I argued with a family member who said I would be put in a re-education camp. She is a public school teacher. I told her they could try their best. Told her she was a nutcase and should not be allowed to be a teacher. I am not welcomed over there for holidays. lol
Thank you. When I hang with friends they are those who are not woke but they are doers. My best friend was killed by swat. I was not there. If I was he would not of been killed by swat. I can hang with people who will do things like that and try and take them out of that fire.
I made a decision and that doesn’t jive with being married and having kids. My heart if for those who are like that and including homeless people.
What you are sensing is the thing I cannot do. See if I hang with normal people like you. It is boring. You have some sort of code on what is and is not permitted and crazy egos.
The people I speak of are more honest but have something wrong with them and that is what makes them potentially great.
It is never about me. It is to try and spark that need for others to actually do what they claim. Be safe