God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sue the msm for damages. Class action law suite. Oh yea msm reports opinions as facts when they get cornered.

Yet until they are held accountable they will continue to lie and damage as much stuff they can.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty cool pic. It could be used for iPhone cases, skins and so forth too. I would get it for the Legion Go I have.

Way better than that losers Obama’s one from years ago…

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it was staged there is no victims — we would be the victims not them so trying not offend the victims is something many Americans struggle with.

Maybe a good example of my logic is when Jesus says either be good or evil and not lukewarm.

Many Americans have become lukewarm and use feelings as indicators over anything else.

Being good will always offend evil. Being evil will always offend good. The balance if you want to call it is we are all free willed and individuals in the USA. We have laws, we do not have feeling police and yet we do.

Evil will offend good and it will also beguile good. Good has to be wise and rebuke evil. In a country as the USA with laws. Making policies over laws is and has always been wrong.

My opinion on the assassination attempt was it was a Hail Mary from the evil side

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

Go back to George Floyd

George is slang for an usher in a cinema

Floyding leads to filching which is — pilfer or steal (something, especially a thing of small value) in a casual way.

Filching has multiple meanings….

Essentially GF was ushering people to a movie and to their seats so the stealing can commence.

Maybe the good guys and the bad guys agree on terms on engagement and broadcasting names is how they communicate.

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

Another tactic used many times.

The question was not “do they exist” it was “does SS record” this is how trickery works and magic.

He is just as involved in the cover up as she is.

She says “we do not have radio communications from that day” — why? Because she gave them away.

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

So with his logic he too could be a psyop.

Action is required and there is only more talk and inaction.

The action that needs done is those who have the ability to arrest and lawfully investigate and report what is going on is needed. How does the paparazzi in the old days get those weird photos all from public places?

All this guy is doing is drawing a circle around another circle so we just keep going g in circles, but we have a little more area to wonder around.

God_wins 12 points ago +12 / -0

Crooks and Cheats (Cheat-le) tried to assassinate Trump. Weird how many of these last names seem more like they are fake.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

In their minds they royalty and they do not understand why we need elections anyway. Why do we? We allow them to cheat every year.

It is like an addiction. Maybe you are right they will ignore it and start ruling properly?

They only need a few to follow them in each state and arresting anyone they want. That is what happens in other countries.

They are quiet right now but they are surely talking amongst themselves.

If police showed up to your home would your neighbors ask questions or believe the police are legit?

It is a very interesting time we are in and I think a many would still say I am far fetched for thinking this. Yet I believe it is in our dna from cycles of this.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

I tested this a little bit today at a job site. Working inside a school and their dean gave me access to install my equipment. Let him lead the conversation and it led to critical thinking involving Biden. So I inserted that when I was in the military the guys used to talk a lot and would joke around about stuff that is coming to light these days including Q. I stated everyone in the military who work on comms or like stuff know that Q is a level of security clearance automatically which deals with information.

He and others in the cpu room seemed to accept it and hopefully they will do some digging on what a Q level security clearance is and to me that is good at the very least if the fake news says qanon they might remember.

People have to invest into stuff at some level. When people start opening up they reveal about how their families are all messed up as well dealing with all this fake bs propaganda from the left has done.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you put your hand in front of an alligator would you not trust the alligator to bite you?

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

So Trump will be the 48th —

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

USA is seeing the DS rising into the light. The military will need to make up their mind and so will each individual enlisted person.

Biden was not and is not the potus. It is another sham they have been getting away with.

What happens when the dictator of a country has to lay their law down? By the Democratic Party exposing their intentions and truth has that not already shown them to be enemies of the USA constitution and yet the military is where?

Is not the constitution void at this point? The police will be the army for the DS, for decades they have been receiving military equipment, training, weapons.

We have never been this close and I am the least here and I see this. Trust the plan right? I trust God and people. Yet I am most certainly sure by 2030 if not the end of next week will show what will be.

I am not panic stricken or angry. The hoax is too big to hide and they know it.

What will the military and police do? Will each state go into its own state and either cleanse to sin against the constitution of the USA or will it cleanse the people who believe in it? There is no way to serve to masters and there is no way to serve two masters when the deception has been removed.

Praying is always good. I believe the vast majority of Americans are peaceful but we will be seeing what we deemed as criminals (gangsters) on the side of the constitution and we will see the blue line on the side totalitarian. Unless the blue line repents.

Amazing and/or I completely know nothing and only see what seems to be. Yet we have only seen an assassination attempt by those who swore an oath to the constitution and no one has been held accountable.

Everything is shaking. There has been no time in the USA as this time. It is awesome. I am not for anarchy but I am not for kneeling to evil either.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mentally incapable but still president. Nothing they do is ever good.

God_wins 10 points ago +10 / -0

One of the advantages the commies have is they cry and/or go ape chit crazy and most people will “claim” they are taking the higher road to keep peace—if that stops this go around that would be fantastic.

The Spiritual need to have a revival and the patriotic need to get some hearing protection.

They can make some sounds that are both super annoying and super spiritual at the same time.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am waiting on an answer to this too. Thought 2 states Nevada and ??? Could not do such without the 25th A or death.

However I am thought of them running it with Biden’s name on it and applying it to Harris. In this fluidity of democracy now we are all capable of identifying as whole we want.

Biden did say he was the 1st black …. And he was identifying as Harris who claims she is black..

God_wins 5 points ago +5 / -0

It would be awesome if they all showed up and were all arrested together.

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

We are in an epic revival in both the world and the USA.

One thing to point out. As an example. Many times the most damage is done at the point of the end of the one who is being cast out.

Example is we had a guy who was a manager and worked for decades and was prior military. For years he was a very abuse boss and one day the upper management fired him without fully thinking it thru and such.

The guy did the most damage as he was leaving. No one would have expected it-maybe I would have but I am not in their position.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is there some sort of girl evil organization? Even the shooter is a girly boy.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Time to sue the hypocrisy. He was all for Alex being sued for claiming such.

This is the part where people on the right need to start learning how to fight again.

We traditionally think being fired or stepping down actually means something—it doesn’t and this guy is a perfect example.

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