I was just reading through some Q posts and of course landed on the most recent again and found myself scratching my head. I’m sure when it was initially posted back in Nov that there were some great theories but sadly I missed all the talk. Who put what in our DNA? Why was it put there? I’m confused and I know this community has some truly brilliant people. Would love to hear some of the communities thoughts on the post and what it could mean… thank you so much frens!
Edit - Thank you so much for the replies! This community always amazes me!
"Officially DNA defines the coded information/instructions inside a cell which is necessary to create any living creature.
According to Jurassic Park: DNA. = the building blocks of life. They are the blueprints for building any living thing.
How might “blueprints for life” be used as a symbol?
In the 17th episode of season 9 the Simpsons have a short about DNA. it asserts that DNA is not just a recipe for creating a child, but that it defines how fat they will become.
Notice how the baby watches the mother eating pizza and then imitates it.
Stop and think for just a moment about that. It’s easy to gloss over a key detail that unlocks how DNA is used as a code.
The short asserts that people are fat because of genetics but then contradicts this by presenting the baby’s obesity as a result of learned behavior.
Even writing it out like that I doubt it’ll click, so let me spell it out in as clear a way as possible.
Do you get what I mean?
DNA not just used as a literal genetic definition of what a person must become, but instead the intended plan for DEVELOPMENT.
You may underestimate this if you don’t think about it carefully. This will unlock a ton of comms. This includes what Q meant.
“What is coded in your DNA” = this is asking us about who is brainwashing/contaminating you!"
You’re amazing, thank you!