It's wild that GAW users fully understand that Globalists want the Ukraine-Russia war to go on indefinitely as an infinite money printing machine (foreign aid)
...yet they don't understand that MOSSAD fully wants the Israel-Palestine conflict to go on indefinitely as an infinite money printing machine (foreign aid). You don't think aid to Palestine isn't getting laundered? That the staged sob videos aren't designed with a specific purpose? I believe this is what RFK Jr. is calling out. Video is cut too short.
- 05/15/1854 HMS Resolute Discovered
- 05/15/1854 Dred Scott Ruling Holding Him and His Family in Slavery
"This gives us precision on interpretation, especially when juxtaposed with the JFK famous picture. The point of "RESOLUTE" is in having resolution to do what is necessary to end evil like slavery. It being made of that rescue ship tied to scare ops (Terror & Erebus) meant for the larger public good perfectly aligns with what happened with both Lincoln and JFK.
Returning to the Resolute Desk...
I decoded it as a symbol of having the resolution to fund what was necessary. The most famous picture of it is that one with JFK Jr. peeking out of the desk and so I took a look at the history of that pic...
- 10/02/1963 JFK Jr. Famous Picture: Resolute Desk JFK Jr. Peeking While JFK Works.
- 10/02/1963 MLK Jr. Famous Copyright of his "I Have a Dream Speech" 33 Days after original delivery.
Reconcile the speech as context of what he dreams for tomorrow and how it happened!"
Understand that COVID-19 was first and foremost, a Global Military Op
► 10/17/2019 WUHAN CHINA: World Military Games Prep
► 11/17/2019 WUHAN CHINA: World Coronavirus Begins
Same place 1 month apart.
► 100+ Countries Begin getting infected with COVID
► 100+ Countries Begin Military Olympics
Engaging in arguments and debates about its science is missing the point. This also explains why Trump was 500% on the 'Operation Warp Speed' train. Trump has been openly anti-vaccine before ('autism, many such cases' tweet). Could it be, perhaps, that these "vaccines" he was talking about were Comms for something else?
I'll say this again regarding the glowing adoration for the UnitedHealthcare shooter:
I believe the Healthcare Industry is on course for being overhauled in a big way. This event that's "captured the imagination"? Is necessary pre-suasion for setting the stage. It is resonating with the demographic (women) that are the most sensitive to healthcare changes.
This 'capturing of the imagination of the masses', is By Design. It always is. Hell, Americans didn't want to go to war with Nazi's pre-Pearl Harbor. The Patriot Act doesn't get passed without 9/11 (bonus: Anthrax) getting the public willing to sacrifice their privacy for security.
This is the start of a "war". And I find it very, very interesting the shooter's supposed manifesto is called "The Allopathic Complex and Its Consequences", 30 days before you have this man about to become head of the Department of Health & Human Services. The pro-Stem cells, pro-alternative medicines, pro-psychedelic movement has never stood on more solid footing than they do today, right now.
I believe the Healthcare Industry is on course for being overhauled in a big way. This event that's "captured the imagination"? Is necessary pre-suasion for setting the stage. It is resonating with the demographic (women) that are the most sensitive to healthcare changes.
This 'capturing of the imagination of the masses', is By Design. It always is. Hell, Americans didn't want to go to war with Nazi's pre-Pearl Harbor. The Patriot Act doesn't get passed without 9/11 (bonus: Anthrax) getting the public willing to sacrifice their privacy for security.
This is the start of a "war". And I find it very, very interesting the shooter's supposed manifesto is called "The Allopathic Complex and Its Consequences", 30 days before you have this man about to become head of the Department of Health & Human Services. The pro-Stem cells, pro-alternative medicines, pro-psychedelic movement has never stood on more solid footing than they do today, right now.
Just wanted to let you know DecodingSymbols made a dig thread based off your very observation, good find!
There's some Comms to suggest that:
"...Note that Musk is having TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES with election events.
So far it's falling in line with what I've decoded as the most likely scenario. That all signs would look like a Trump landslide until an abrupt (and visible) election theft. My decode predicted the polling shift to landslide Trump from back when Trump was down in the polls.
That it would look like REAGAN LANDSLIDE BUT BIGGER. My contention was that a visible theft would lead to court cases and Watergate style public demand for GOV changes in transparency. But this does not necessarily mean my entire decode will come true mind you. I'm not good enough at decoding to be confident, but it fits with what we've seen with election theft in the past and the promises Q gave about how it would be exposed in the future.
X is the perfect way to expose it!" (X exposing the truth = STAY ON LINE ?)
"So to recap: we have a newly built wall there now (Afghanistan | Pakistan) that will protect the people from drugs, and the influx of terrorists border hopping. And just after this wall was ready a revolution was led by people Trump specifically picked!
Note Trump’s plan for the Taliban: for them to kill terrorists and takeover. Terrorists being distinctly different than Taliban itself.
Wait, if this was the plan, why then has Trump been so vocally against what happened? I even received comments from people disheartened that things must really be falling apart.
This is where we get into optics.
Compare these two scenarios. Put yourself into the Taliban’s shoes.
- Taliban Leader is approved by U.S. Government and given the keys to rule over the people of Afghanistan, U.S. tax money/lives continue to drain.
- Taliban Leader heroically kicks out foreign devils that have helped corrupt police rape their children. They set up their own government for the people. U.S. tax money and lives are no longer drained.
Which of those two scenarios is a uniting force for the Taliban? The former would be viewed as bootlicking and more of the same. Nothing to be proud about.
So instead of that we have a media circus that atm (2021) is largely doing what is necessary to create the right optics for the Taliban watching foreign media. Being upset loudly. Something they can cheer about because it means they were strong, it’s proof they can do anything. Not subjugation, freedom."
Pretty sure every single person here thought Trump would be in office this past term all the way past
Yes, that includes me. But I am not fluent in Comms. Hell I even lost money on who'd win in 2020.
All the Comms sent within the last 4 years point to Biden purposefully being forced to work on behalf of Patriots/Military. Understand that nothing Biden has done has caused irreversible damage to our country.
Understand that Optics are very important.
Understand that there are events that occurred under Biden, that needed to happen, that Trump would not survive the Media scorching had he been the current POTUS.
This includes the Afghanistan pull out. This includes Biden sitting on his hands while Putin invades Ukraine (you think the Media would allow Trump to do the same?)
It's a lot of reading of course, but I find the easiest way to navigate this line of thinking is by close analysis of Afghanistan. Specifically Trump's actions freeing the now current Taliban leader.
The CCP was completely inept in their attempts to contain what was happening.
Very quickly into the video, it is stated that the purpose of the COVID event was in the Lockdowns themselves. And how this was planned beforehand by the World Military Games that took place in, of all places, Wuhan China. Tell me, does "World Military" sound like something Q Team would be a part of? Why yes, that is in line with how Q views the battle against the Pyramid.
There is no doubt that the globalists had planned the scamdemic years in advance.
While no doubt 'pandemics' were in the Globalist playbook, an objective look at the Comms reveal that COVID itself was a Military Op from the very start.
- 10/17/2019 WUHAN CHINA: World Military Games Prep
- 11/17/2019 WUHAN CHINA: World Coronavirus Begins
"Same place 1 month apart.
100+ Countries Begin getting infected with COVID
100+ Countries Begin Military Olympics
What if this isn’t a coincidence? Notice the “preparation” done for the World Military Games exactly 1 month before COVID officially begins."
I always thought Steve Jobs was the real thing
Steve Job's NeXT computers is what powered CERN, and what essentially invented the Internet. His first Apple 1 computer sold for the price $666.66. I'd be more than happy to provide sources and more material.
Elon Musk is himself a vehicle for unattributable Government Spending for Ops.
It's funny, you ask ChatGPT if Russian Oligarchs are often actually spending vehicles for the Russian government, and it'll agree wholeheartedly. Speculate the same is true for the richest men in America (think of Howard Hughes, before him), and it'll start stumbling.
Let's assume that if Texas is stolen, in response most of
We need to define our terms.
- stolen, as in, they get away with it
- 'stolen', as in, it's performed blatantly and exposed by all Media outlets + Twitter
How did I spell the word in my thread title?
Just win every state
So Trump wins by obvious voter fraud? Such a thing would mire his next four years in scandal.
then release more info about the 2020 steal. And then show how the jan6 was a
I believe this is less game theory, and more of wanting a sense of personal recompense. Winning an election and spending all that momentum talking about stuff that happened 4 years ago, trying to undo 4 years of narrative programmed into half the electorate, is a non-starter. Far more effective to demonstrate current events that expose current Voter Fraud in real-time.
Even better, California flips Red ... like DARK RED.
Voter fraud, if it is to truly be exposed, needs to be done on behalf of benefitting the Democrats. Why? Because in no scenario, in which what you describe occurs, does a sizable fraction of the population ever believe Trump ever won a legitimate election. Even if there was a 'do over' 2nd election. The damage would have been done.
Again, Patriots have been at the end stage of this game for years. The deep state doesn't have any plays left to make. Patriots are maximizing Awakening with the least amount of collateral damage possible.
What if we just take every state instead?
I don't follow your line of thinking. Show voter fraud by...allowing Kamala to win all 50 states? It would necessitate a completely new Election Day to be held, and an overhaul in all our nations voting machines before any trust could ever be restored. There's chaos in that, chaos being something Q's team has gone to great lengths to avoid.
While it is very important to be sensitive to the subject, it is not outside the realm of possibility that Comperatore, the man shot at the Trump rally, death was faked.
Of course this comes from a perspective that understands full well the amount of faked assassinations in Psyops for the masses throughout the 20th century. It's a perspective I'd never expect a GAW user to share.