RugerP89 2 points ago +3 / -1

4 very real MK ULTRA victims. Yet 4 faked assassinations/shots.

Each were used for a greater purpose. "The use of real and/or staged tragedy is a truth of politics from the start. It's that entire system of manipulations that is challenged by Trump. An entrenched power that requires every possible angle of effort to overcome. Trump is no longer as fresh of an idea in fighting deep state as he was in 2016 and complacency must be overcame.

Consider Reagan post-assassination attempt."

RugerP89 3 points ago +4 / -1

Highly, highly doubt Trump would bring someone in, who has a high probability of becoming the face of MAGA in 4 years, who still had strings that weren't yet cut. Or at least, strings that weren't firmly in the hands of Patriots.

Understand that any politician, especially a SENATOR, is going to have blackmail strings. This is the system we live in. No one would've heard J.D. Vance's name otherwise.

RugerP89 0 points ago +1 / -1

That was by design.

RugerP89 8 points ago +9 / -1

I get the feeling he was leaning left in order to rub shoulders necessary for a successful book release (multi-million dollars). When the Netflix Hillybilly Elegy was snubbed by critics, that was the final straw for him.

With that being said, is he a Senator today without that book, and the rise in status that came with it?

RugerP89 4 points ago +4 / -0

"The use of real and/or staged tragedy is a truth of politics from the start. It's that entire system of manipulations that is challenged by Trump. An entrenched power that requires every possible angle of effort to overcome. Trump is no longer as fresh of an idea in fighting deep state as he was in 2016 and complacency must be overcame.

Consider Reagan post-assassination attempt.

"cartoonists will have to direct their malice elsewhere". "Public opinion polls already show approval rising" "Will Reagan turn sympathy into votes?".

It's a consequence of the environment of press control and mass shepherding.

I believe what we have now is a unique sequence of efforts meant to culminate in the exposure of the whole. In this way it is justified one final time both to get the power necessary to change it as well as seeding the very ability to expose it! At least that is my thinking on the matter, I'm not always right and I will be digging further into this and will report any new clarity. A lot of focus on how improbable the sequence of events are:

This in turn creates the atmosphere that it's a conspiracy to out Trump.

Seeding the public distrust of existing power structures. The summary of which is that Trump will surge in polls and look to win easily (which is what we see now) but inexplicably the election will be "stolen" again. Only not quite, because the point is to make it as obvious as possible that it's being stolen."

RugerP89 1 point ago +2 / -1

Is this a happy accident, or comms from God?

03/26/2024 Assange Extradition ON HOLD
03/26/2024 Dali Ship Wrecks Bridge

05/20/2024 Ruling: Assange appeal
05/20/2024 Dali Ship re-floated

What's the probability of-

06/24/2024 Assange leaves Prison
06/24/2024 Dali Cargo Ship Leaves

RugerP89 2 points ago +3 / -1

Understand that Haliey Welch now has millions of followers, and has been interviewed by USA Today and RollingStone.

Voice Size

"In terms of news coverage, how many millions of people are celebrities worth?

For example, when a celebrity dies they are headline news all around the world. They will trend on social media, and get tons of press for days. Contrast that to the thousands of car accident deaths a month, or the millions of people that die of starvation every year.

An average celebrity is worth a lot more than 9 million people if we go by the media!

I’m not saying this is wrong either, because celebrities by virtue of their visibility over time are people who we know. So in a way it’s important news because it’s like a distant relative of ours died. Someone who had impacted our life in some way.

My point isn’t that it’s wrong, I’m pointing out the difference in power between them and you. Their voice has a power that hundreds of millions of people could never hope to achieve.

This is an important thing to understand, because if YOU needed to say something to as many people as possible, what options are open to you? You could try and create a social media account, but you’d quickly realize no matter which platform you choose your voice would be drowned out. The only hope you’d have is if someone else decides to let you have a bigger voice by propping you up.

But they’d only do that if you fit the narrative.

There are figures propped up with giant megaphones on screens all around us. and thru them the culture is shifted in pre-designated directions at the whim of an unseen force behind them. Have you ever wondered the precise mechanism that of it? How are stars created?"

Do you truly believe the MSM would risk giving someone such a loud microphone, 'stardom', if they couldn't be re-assured that she won't start dropping links to Dave's X22? That she won't start dropping knowledge bombs about Seth Rich and CrowdStrike?

RugerP89 3 points ago +4 / -1

How many other, equally hilarious 30 second clips about sex on TikTok/Instagram, made on any given day, don't go viral?

Can the same be said for all the struggling, talented musicians out there on internet? Which ones are chosen for 'stardom', and which ones are not. Is it actually about talent at that point?

RugerP89 3 points ago +4 / -1

Do you believe that the algorithms on TikTok/Instagram/YouTube are natural, or are they prone to manipulation?

RugerP89 1 point ago +3 / -2

► 1846: Lincoln 1st time Elected Congress
► 1946: JFK 1st time Elected Congress

► 1860: Lincoln 1st Elected President
► 1960: JFK 1st Elected President

► 1808: Lincoln VP Johnson born
► 1908: JFK VP Johnson born

RugerP89 0 points ago +1 / -1

There are Comms DecodingSymbols has dug up that suggests that:

  • Julian Assange will join X/Twitter and have a voice just as large as Tucker
  • Biden will 'win' this election, but it will be blatantly stolen, 1000% more obvious than 2020.
  • Voices on X will be central to exposing everything for everybody
  • The masses brains will explode coming to terms with the fact that our sacred voting can be tampered with (extremely important)
  • Trump will eventually be announced the winner
  • Our voting system will forever be more secure and scrutinized in the future

WARNING a lot of reading: https://x.com/NewClear314/status/1803522131051024522

RugerP89 3 points ago +6 / -3

His successor, Adm Mike Rogers, personally went to Trump Tower to warn him that his place was bugged.

Snowden was CIA, and the ensuing scandal was meant to blind the prying eyes of the NSA from stopping Clowns.

Biggest scandal of 2013 = SNOWden
Biggest film of 2013 = Frozen (Let I.T. Go)
Biggest game of 2013 = Last of U.S.

So yeah, there's a number of reasons why NSA and Q are seen to be on the same side.

RugerP89 4 points ago +6 / -2
  • 10/17/2019 WUHAN CHINA: World Military Games Prep
  • 11/17/2019 WUHAN CHINA: World Coronavirus Begins

Same place 1 month apart.

  • 100+ Countries Begin getting infected with COVID
  • 100+ Countries Begin Military Olympics
RugerP89 5 points ago +6 / -1

It does feel that both sides are "going through the motions". And Trumps constant court trials, which I don't interpret as an actual threat to him, act as a way to keep the fact that this actually IS an election year in the public conscience.

RugerP89 0 points ago +1 / -1

How many of these Twitter employees were simply getting a salary as a form of payment for their participation in Clown Ops?

RugerP89 2 points ago +4 / -2
  • 06/23/1988 Miami Heat Begins picks first players ever in its Expansion Draft.
  • 06/23/1988 Global Warming is declared by NASA’s Dr. Hansen to the U.S. Senate.
RugerP89 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I think you'll get a kick out of this dig into Reddit's WallStreetBet's timed with Biden

RugerP89 0 points ago +2 / -2

One will not understand GME, and AMC, without a full understanding of the COVID Op.

Why? Because both stocks were pumped/hyped at the onset of that Op, almost instantly exploding their value in weeks, a phenomenon during an event that should well have been the end of GameStop and AMC. Instead, today, the companies are alive and well. Was there an agreement in place?

RugerP89 6 points ago +8 / -2

Uranium One was owned by Canada for awhile. Five Eyes includes Canada. The MKUltra program Q highlighted, Dr. Ewen Cameron's experiments, took place in Lincoln Park Canada.

I don't see Canada splintering given its current role. I expect it to be fully co-opted by patriots, just as America is. There are comms to suggest that things will get all the more ridiculous, on purpose, to wake normies up "We are watching a movie". This law would appear engineered to piss off a populace that lives their life digitally.

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