What is even More Criminal was the Study of how They came up With the 95% efficacy! They Performed the Test on 170 Participants (8 Received Pfizer Vaccines Both Dozes & 162 Received Placebo) After Only 7 days They Gave the 95% Efficacy Results! Please Note, that When You Divide 162/170=.95 x 100=95%! This is Nothing more than a "Numbers Game", a Criminal Scam! Which is Probably Why They Chose Numbers 8+162=170 Instead of 5+95=100 or 10+190=200!
What is even More Criminal was the Study of how They came up With the 95% efficacy! They Performed the Test on 170 Participants (8 Received Pfizer Vaccines Both Dozes & 162 Received Placebo) After Only 7 days They Gave the 95% Efficacy Results! Please Note, that When You Divide 162/170=.95 x 100=95%! This is Nothing more than a "Numbers Game", a Criminal Scam! Which is Probably Why They Chose Numbers 8+162=170 Instead of 5+95=100 or 10+190=200!
...compelling addendum....