Thank you ! yes it’s so important to get literature out! I sometimes literally sprinkle here and there on sidewalks as I’m walking, I’ve even put a Little Rock on top of the pages . I’m in San Diego there’s a lot of libs here and I know they pick it up because the next day there’s never any papers on the ground , they’re all gone ! Not that I advocate littering. I also leave on boards and place on tables like outside Starbucks , anywhere there is outside seating , at my mechanics , at a laundromat near the grocery store that I use, just all over. People read ! have the correct mindset....
...we can all sit here and read these articles and think," I know that, that isn't anything new"....
...and totally miss the entire point of the exercise being to get the information in front of eyes to be read....
...I print articles like this and leave them at the library just lying on a table or at church in a pew...
...I have a friend who sells vegetables at a farmers market and she has this type of material on her table for anyone who would want a copy.... never know who is going to pick it up and maybe share it themselves...
...your brother is blessed to have a wonderful sister like you....
Thank you ! yes it’s so important to get literature out! I sometimes literally sprinkle here and there on sidewalks as I’m walking, I’ve even put a Little Rock on top of the pages . I’m in San Diego there’s a lot of libs here and I know they pick it up because the next day there’s never any papers on the ground , they’re all gone ! Not that I advocate littering. I also leave on boards and place on tables like outside Starbucks , anywhere there is outside seating , at my mechanics , at a laundromat near the grocery store that I use, just all over. People read !
God bless you for truly making a difference....
^^^ THIS ^^^