274 The Matrix sent their agents. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by WeekoWolf 2 years ago by WeekoWolf +278 / -4 139 comments download share 139 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Could you find the link and post it instead?
I did, and it took 5 seconds-
Search engine used was https://swisscows.com and search terms as follows -
Andrew Tate dad CIA
Thanks for posting, I've heard him mention that so I wasn't looking for a source, just addressing pushback on people asking for sources. Do you object to that point?
I did learn about a new search engine from this though, so thanks for that.
What I'm saying is do the thing you're asking OP to do if you're capable.
That's what being a digital warrior is all about.
Here's an even better link https://youtu.be/t8-43XC5ZL4?t=4456
His dad was a linguist for the CIA.
I'm asking the OP not to be rude, politely.