I see punia on the right, not penia and coming off the punia is neo and sea. Not getting much outta that. Punia hints of prison, but that's a leap.
Down below is pi and some punctuation - ) * that looks like a dash line over the moon and a star below. And last night the crescent moon had a planet (Venus?) sorta below it. It's further away now and the moon is halfway so it might've been in that configuration several days ago. Did the cow jump over the moon? I forget what that's supposed to mean. No more "milk" money? Anyhow there's a moo crossing over the word moon.
Top left there's an ace above the word moon. Trump card played?
There's a j2 on the lower left for the date faggers. ;)
And over Neo's eye is eeerek! Reee! + kek? Is that a ke-reee!?!
Keep brainstorming you may just find a connection !
Ok, what else is in there?
I see punia on the right, not penia and coming off the punia is neo and sea. Not getting much outta that. Punia hints of prison, but that's a leap.
Down below is pi and some punctuation - ) * that looks like a dash line over the moon and a star below. And last night the crescent moon had a planet (Venus?) sorta below it. It's further away now and the moon is halfway so it might've been in that configuration several days ago. Did the cow jump over the moon? I forget what that's supposed to mean. No more "milk" money? Anyhow there's a moo crossing over the word moon.
Top left there's an ace above the word moon. Trump card played?
There's a j2 on the lower left for the date faggers. ;)
And over Neo's eye is eeerek! Reee! + kek? Is that a ke-reee!?!