We're going to be needed more than ever after the balloon really goes up.
Morning PT and isn't a bad idea. Keep to a schedule and socialize just to be around others.
Manage your own energy/motivation and unplug regularly to let yourself recharge. God bless.
Yep! Dealing with bouts of intense anger with no outlet but exercise.
Need a punching bag or something!
Doesn’t help that everything in my house broke down at the same time Right before Christmas .
So funny where I spent Christmas the same thing-they said every thing was breaking in the last week - I had bought a new landline phone with a cordless phone & only had it 2 freaking months it rang one day and when I answered it the freaking thing shorted out even blackened the outlet - they really want me to get rid of my landline- static so bad you can’t use it but for some reason I refuse- not sure why
It's ok. I'm an American warrior with 22 years of service in the US Navy. I'm used to and thoroughly enjoy being on alert status while defending the Constitution.
just don't take away the khaki's coffee! cheers veteran.
Thank you sir. And my right hand is useless now because it is frozen into place as if it is holding a coffee cup all the time. Oh wait! It IS holding a coffee cup!! LOL
Username checks out hahah
God bless!
I would rather my exhaustion come from fighting the battle instead of coming from continuously holding my anger in check because they are getting away with all they are....
I am just so fucking ready....
that's why discipline is critical to being a good soldier. that and pushups. 🤣