I'm sure someone's asked about this before, but I couldn't find any good posts on it. So my mom got the "Flu/a cold" and while later she got better for the most part, but after a week or so, she has a persistent cough and has lost her voice. There hasn't been too much of an improvement in her voice for about a week or so.
I know there's probably very little I can do to help (She's vaccinated, and parents in general are very against ivermectin or literally any other solution that isn't fed to them by the media), but thought I'd ask for advice.
I got her to take Vitamin C, and D, and she's using Honey and hot tea to soothe her throat. Is there anything else that I could recommend? I've considered mentioning low percentage hydrogen peroxide in a humidifier, but my guess is she'll take one look online and see that it's "controversial" and not even consider it. Anything that could work, but isn't talked about online enough to be dissed by the media?
Semi related/unrelated rant. My sister (below 18) is vaccinated, just got boosted recently. She caught covid within a week of getting the shot, got better, and then got the flu (right after getting the flu shot as well). Mom got the booster, got sick like a week or two later, and is now dealing with this. My cousin's mom is all vaccinated/boosted, even banned me from her house for a year cause I refused. in the last 3 months she's been in the hospital for blood clotting in her lungs, and now I've just heard that she may have thyroid cancer. And yet here I am, not vaccinated (since I've been an adult at least, still was forced into getting some when I was a young kid), haven't worn a mask except for when it was 100% mandated/forced, and I still haven't caught so much as a cold since before the beginning of the pandemic (maybe 2018-2019 or something was the last time I had a mild cold?) Yet STILL these people, or just about anyone I know won't listen to a word I say, and will take every chance they get to "dis" my choice of not getting the vaccine. Like holy hell you guys, what more has to happen for some of these people to realize?
Sorry, I'm just super annoyed, want to help everyone as much as I can, but feel like I'm getting nowhere solely because people won't even listen to what I have to say.
Thanks! I really appreciate that! I have a few tubes of the paste ivermectin, but plan on getting a pack of pills at some point in the near future. I was mainly keeping it for if/when I got sick (still hasn't happened yet), but I've taken small doses of the paste whenever I know I've been with someone who got sick or has been sick recently.
I'll definitely mention the Zinc and Quercetin, I feel like she may be willing to take those. I actually think one of the teas she's been having has added zinc, but being a tea I'm not sure it's enough to count.
Funny you mention NAC, I actually just ordered some earlier this morning mainly because of hearing it's helpful in general, not just for the lungs. Didn't even think of mentioning that to her.
I don't know too much about this (kinda unrelated), but I've heard Ivermectin is good for warts too. I've had some on my hand for quite a while, and haven't been able to get rid of them. Maybe if I were to start taking it prophylactic it may help get rid of those. But either way, you're right in the fact that I probably should be on it. Literally, everyone I know is vaccinated, I only know of 2-3 people in person (not online) that didn't get the vaccine and none of them are people I talk to regularly.
How long did it take to start having an impact on your warts? Also, how much/how often did you take it? Just the standard prophylaxis protocol, or more often, for warts and other issues?
What worked for my family member was to get the apple Durvet paste from Tractor Supply. Rub a small amount directly on the wart each day. Results on small warts were seen in about a week. They dry out and can be plucked from the skin. No pain as they were basically falling off.