Sadly life insurance is usually sold in a crass way. I was told “kill ‘em off at least 4 times in the pitch, each. Kill off the husband and show value to the wife and kill off the wife to show value to the husband” I was supposed to ask you, in detail, your exact monthly budget so I could offer you where to save in order to afford the coverage. It was gross. Saddest part, I truly believe life insurance is SUPER important and should be something 20-30 year olds are educated in the importance of and the benefit of starting coverage at your youngest and healthiest state.
Sadly life insurance is usually sold in a crass way. I was told “kill ‘em off at least 4 times in the pitch, each. Kill off the husband and show value to the wife and kill off the wife to show value to the husband” I was supposed to ask you, in detail, your exact monthly budget so I could offer you where to save in order to afford the coverage. It was gross. Saddest part, I truly believe life insurance is SUPER important and should be something 20-30 year olds are educated in the importance of and the benefit of starting coverage at your youngest and healthiest state.
Term is what most people should have.
It does what you need and costs very little.