PSA: The abbreviation for “etcetera” is etc, NOT ect.
How Embarrassing!
I’ve seen quite a few anons the past few days that need a reminder.
For those who roll their eyes and say it’s not a big deal, that’s fine. But it’s hard to red pill smart people with sentences full of grammatical errors and misspellings.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Were we talking about mental health treatment 🤣🤣?
I agree with your point pompeius. Reminders are a good thing. I think it is helpful to be willing to learn to write and use the English language correctly.
Knowledge of Greek & Latin is helpful.
Yes. Something not taught in school anymore. I always liked learning roots of words. And how the words changed over time.
By an amazing stroke of luck, Greek language is in fact taught in every school in Greece (except American schools) along with English.