Maybe, Dr. Mccullough says that the jab can change an individual’s personality. I don’t know Scott Adams, did he cause irritation before? Someone on Twitter please use this method to break through: Commiserate with him, acknowledge how angry he feels because he took the vaccine and has suffered. Let him know how angry you are because you couldn’t talk people you care about out of taking it. Tell him people will pray for him and others that took the shot. That we all want justice.
Maybe, Dr. Mccullough says that the jab can change an individual’s personality. I don’t know Scott Adams, did he cause irritation before? Someone on Twitter please use this method to break through: Commiserate with him, acknowledge how angry he feels because he took the vaccine and has suffered. Let him know how angry you are because you couldn’t talk people you care about out of taking it. Tell him people will pray for him and others that took the shot. That we all want justice.