Sorry, no dice. How have you missed the relentless, pervasive, false and destructive “fat is fit” narrative by the usual suspects? That’s plainly what this is.
And they’re not just going with “an extra few pounds”, but whole hog “gigantic cellulite-dimpled gunt”, as the sick little demons pushing this stuff sadistically get off on shoving the most disgusting and depraved sht right in our, and our children’s, faces.
Hey, if anyone has a few or a ton of pounds to lose, great, awesome! You’re in fine company. But that’s patently not what this ad is promoting.
Oh, calm down with your pathos projection. Again, ”gettin’ healthy” is plainly not what this gratuitous featuring of an insanely-obese spandex bag in a “sports drink” ad is all about. This is just transparent escalation of the lying Leftist Lizzo-fication of “health”.
Sorry, no dice. How have you missed the relentless, pervasive, false and destructive “fat is fit” narrative by the usual suspects? That’s plainly what this is.
And they’re not just going with “an extra few pounds”, but whole hog “gigantic cellulite-dimpled gunt”, as the sick little demons pushing this stuff sadistically get off on shoving the most disgusting and depraved sht right in our, and our children’s, faces.
Hey, if anyone has a few or a ton of pounds to lose, great, awesome! You’re in fine company. But that’s patently not what this ad is promoting.
Oh, calm down with your pathos projection. Again, ”gettin’ healthy” is plainly not what this gratuitous featuring of an insanely-obese spandex bag in a “sports drink” ad is all about. This is just transparent escalation of the lying Leftist Lizzo-fication of “health”.