A lot of actors in Zelenskyy´s inner circle, so it is only natural to see a change in the script as a solution to their "movie" going badly. A carpenter reaches for nails, a tailer his thimble, an actor a rewrite.
Yes, I have been nooticing that they have used scripts previously, like a recent narrative that Putin was insanely ordering people about from a bunker, which had remarkable resemblance to Downfall, for example.
A lot of actors in Zelenskyy´s inner circle, so it is only natural to see a change in the script as a solution to their "movie" going badly. A carpenter reaches for nails, a tailer his thimble, an actor a rewrite.
"A carpenter reaches for nails, a tailor his thimble, an actor a rewrite."
Wow, that is almost poetic! Did you come up with that? If so, bravo.
Yes, I have been nooticing that they have used scripts previously, like a recent narrative that Putin was insanely ordering people about from a bunker, which had remarkable resemblance to Downfall, for example.