I wanted to reach out to see if any of the people on this board have any good information regarding Hashimoto's Disease. My Fiancé has just been diagnosed with it and we are both scrambling to gather information about it. We are both fairly healthy eaters and make most of our meals at home. Neither of us really bother with fast food, and mostly stay away from processed foods. Getting the jabs wasn't even an option for either of us and honestly my fiancé really doesn't partake in Western medicine for the most part.
We did find a great nurse practitioner that is in line with the Frontline Doctors that has been very helpful in helping us determine what might be causing these ailments. I am looking for any information that is helpful towards diet and lifestyle changes that might curb or reverse the effects of this disease. My fiance has been very lethargic lately (which is not normal for her), felt very weak (muscular) and had achy joints. She has taken a couple of blood tests, which have pointed us towards Hashimoto's, but I do think that there are other tests that might make sense to assure we aren't dealing with a mis-diagnosis. My fiance has noticed that she feels better when she cuts dairy products out of her diet, and sadly has noticed worse symptoms when the stress of her job is greater.
Any information that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated as well as thoughts and prayers.
I appreciate this community greatly and how there are so many people that are willing to offer up education that they have on subjects or links they have that are helpful to other people.
Honestly, I consider this group of people to be more of my family and friends than those individuals I have grown up with and who don't currently see the world through a critical perspective in both social and political views.
Thank you for taking the time to read my plea for help. She is my world and all that I ask for in life is for her to be healthy and happy.
Thank you both for this information.
BTW, BQnita, you are amazing! I see you respond & post so much information. Honestly it seems like all the Mods are well invested and great.
thank you for your hard work and maintaining this board!
Lugol's is great!
Start slow....2% first.
Warning. Do not start an iodine replacement regiment until you get more specialized information about your girlfriend's particular autoimmune condition. These issues tend to be multifactorial and can involve other glands - like adrenals. If iodine is introduced in an effort to kick start a thyroid without addressing adrenal function, a thyroid situation can actually be made worse. Thyroid malfunctioning can be like a pendulum. Swing it too far in one direction, then an equal force from another direction is required in an attempt to bring things back to equilibrium - but unfortunately it often misses the target and overcorrects. This is the vicious cycle one can get into if there is not a more systematic and controlled approach. Just be prepared that it can take time. There usually is no quick fix.
Everyone here is giving some really good advise, but take it all with a grain of salt and gather the information in order to come up with a course of action that will work for her. Even run of the mill low functioning thyroid, apart from autoimmune disease, can have compounding factors. Diet however, is always a good place to begin with any health challenge and those changes can be safely made. Supplementation however, can be tricky when it comes to thyroid.
Great advice. Iodine is NOT for every thyroid issue. And sometime supplements can do more harm than good if they are not the right ones. I do not go to western med docs, I only see functional medicine docs. They will help you with the right supplement and tests that western medicine has no idea about.
I would look to a hormone specialist in the functional medicine arena. This has helped me tremendously with my Graves’ disease.
Sorry you are going through this same thing or something similar.
Let's get through this together Magistra!
I have read that vitamin D deficiency can help be a cause to a busy thyroid.
So far, we have found out that dairy and gluten and allergies to them, might be a cause. Stress can be a trigger point.
We too would like to avoid pharma and synthetic options if possible. So far the Autismo frogs that have responded to this request for help have given some good resources for me to research when I can't sleep at night worrying about this. I hope this information helps you too! Good luck and we will be thinking of you.