I wanted to reach out to see if any of the people on this board have any good information regarding Hashimoto's Disease. My Fiancé has just been diagnosed with it and we are both scrambling to gather information about it. We are both fairly healthy eaters and make most of our meals at home. Neither of us really bother with fast food, and mostly stay away from processed foods. Getting the jabs wasn't even an option for either of us and honestly my fiancé really doesn't partake in Western medicine for the most part.
We did find a great nurse practitioner that is in line with the Frontline Doctors that has been very helpful in helping us determine what might be causing these ailments. I am looking for any information that is helpful towards diet and lifestyle changes that might curb or reverse the effects of this disease. My fiance has been very lethargic lately (which is not normal for her), felt very weak (muscular) and had achy joints. She has taken a couple of blood tests, which have pointed us towards Hashimoto's, but I do think that there are other tests that might make sense to assure we aren't dealing with a mis-diagnosis. My fiance has noticed that she feels better when she cuts dairy products out of her diet, and sadly has noticed worse symptoms when the stress of her job is greater.
Any information that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated as well as thoughts and prayers.
I appreciate this community greatly and how there are so many people that are willing to offer up education that they have on subjects or links they have that are helpful to other people.
Honestly, I consider this group of people to be more of my family and friends than those individuals I have grown up with and who don't currently see the world through a critical perspective in both social and political views.
Thank you for taking the time to read my plea for help. She is my world and all that I ask for in life is for her to be healthy and happy.
There are many things that can cause Hashimoto's, everyone is different. Doctors try to treat it with hormone replacement but never really diagnose the problem causing the disorder. It is an autoimmune disorder that can be cause by a combination of conditions. Here is a good article to start you in the right direction.
The articles list these causes: Lets look at each.
Stress (emotional, physical, and/or social) I think stress may cause the symptoms to ramp up and make them more noticeable, but I think there would be an underlying condition present causing the right environment, the stress just augments it.
Epstein Barr virus infection, mononucleosis: Here are the symptoms EBV, https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/condition/epsteinbarr-virus-infection?source=bing_condition This is called the kissing disease and effects teenagers most often.
H. Pylori bacterial infection: Does she take Tums, Zantac, Prilosec, Pepsid? This Pylori infection is cause by lowering the acid levels in the stomach which creates a environment for bad bacteria to grow.
Nutrient Deficiencies: Read the article, it explains what happens with Vitamin D, Zinc and selenium deficiencies. Selenium seems to be a go to for doctors treating Hashimoto's.
SBIO, (small bacterial intestinal overgrowth) I know Ivermectin is an antiparasitic but it is also used as a antiviral and antibacterial. It has been used to treat staph aureus bacterial infections. Perhaps a course of Ivermectin followed of by some pre and pro biotics.
Gluten sensitivity (Celiac & NCGS) This is the big one. If you notice all the gastrointestinal issues with everyone today, I think much of it links back to eating GMO foods. The active ingredient in Roundup is Glyphosate. Glyphosate destroys the digestive tract of insects and kills them. Glyphosate can cause something called leaky gut disease in humans. The Glyphosate changes the size of the pores in our intestines. These pores regulate what is accepted into the blood stream. If your intestines are allowing vitamins, nutrients and food particles into your blood stream before they are completely broken down into their simplest form, your body will not recognize it and it will start an inflammatory response. This immune response is said to increase the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. Your body produces macrophages that go around eating things that it sees as an invader. These macrophages chew the epithelial cells of your arteries, this causes your body to lay down plaque to maintain smooth blood flow which increases the formation rate of heart disease. Here is a article about Glyphosate.
Go organic on food choices, it doesn't cost as much as you think. The worst GMO food product is corn. Never eat GMO corn, it has a bacteria that can cause the leaky gut syndrome as well. Also stay away from GMO fruits and veggies with rough surfaces like strawberries. The rough surface makes it impossible to rinse the glyphosate away.
Non GMO milk and beef, chicken is a smart idea. Cows injected with Bovine growth hormone are suspectable Poly cystitis. This creates puss that is siphoned off during the milking process, then antibiotics are added to kill the bacteria in the puss. Non GMO milk will stay good for over a month, the GMO milk goes bad in a week, now you know why. Why would you eat a meat product being fed glyphosate? This toxin builds up in the animals during their growth process, you are then eating concentrated samples of these GMO toxins. Go organic.
She needs to see an endocrinologist to get her thyroid hormones in check, get her feeling better and then tackle the diet stuff and/or figuring out the root cause.
I hope this helps and I hope she gets better.
We do try to eat organic whenever possible and stay away from GMO (although almost impossible at this point). My fiance does not take any types of OTC medications such as Zantac, etc. She takes high quality probiotics on a regular basis. I do agree that there are more underlying causes to the thyroid issue, we just need to work around to find out what those might be.
thanks for your time!