I wanted to reach out to see if any of the people on this board have any good information regarding Hashimoto's Disease. My Fiancé has just been diagnosed with it and we are both scrambling to gather information about it. We are both fairly healthy eaters and make most of our meals at home. Neither of us really bother with fast food, and mostly stay away from processed foods. Getting the jabs wasn't even an option for either of us and honestly my fiancé really doesn't partake in Western medicine for the most part.
We did find a great nurse practitioner that is in line with the Frontline Doctors that has been very helpful in helping us determine what might be causing these ailments. I am looking for any information that is helpful towards diet and lifestyle changes that might curb or reverse the effects of this disease. My fiance has been very lethargic lately (which is not normal for her), felt very weak (muscular) and had achy joints. She has taken a couple of blood tests, which have pointed us towards Hashimoto's, but I do think that there are other tests that might make sense to assure we aren't dealing with a mis-diagnosis. My fiance has noticed that she feels better when she cuts dairy products out of her diet, and sadly has noticed worse symptoms when the stress of her job is greater.
Any information that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated as well as thoughts and prayers.
I appreciate this community greatly and how there are so many people that are willing to offer up education that they have on subjects or links they have that are helpful to other people.
Honestly, I consider this group of people to be more of my family and friends than those individuals I have grown up with and who don't currently see the world through a critical perspective in both social and political views.
Thank you for taking the time to read my plea for help. She is my world and all that I ask for in life is for her to be healthy and happy.
Happy to share my experience as someone who was "diagnosed" with hashimotos. I put it in quotes because I dont think such a disease exists... let me explain: Doctors will tell you hashimotos is an autoimmune issue (where your body is attacking itself). This is complete nonsense and just a western medicine way of explaining "this is why we think you're sick". I've come to believe that almost all disease is caused by 2 things - 1) toxins (such as heavy metals, chemicals, food additives, etc) and 2) parasites (includes mold, candida, worms, and all the other nasty stuff we know about). Disease is NOT caused by our genes. Keep in mind - we were created by intelligent design, therefore our bodies are intelligent and know how to heal themselves. They are not going to attack themselves, that doesnt make sense. They might, however, be attacking SOMETHING hidden in the organs/tissues, such as parasites or toxins (like heavy metals, in my case).
I first found out I had hypothyroidism/hashimotos in 2010, when I went to the doctor complaining about low energy/ weight gain/ tiredness. At the time I still trusted medical doctors, which I absolutely 10000% dont today. Anyways, they had me take a blood panel to check my thyroid and it came back "low", meaning I needed to supplement with thyroid meds. the first thing they put me on was Synthroid, and I remember gaining 30lbs over the next several months. I started seeing another endocrinologist, took another type of thyroid med, and had a similar result. After a couple years I ended up seeing 5 different endocrinologists and took several different thyroid meds (natural desiccated too), all feeling worse than before. Basically, the meds were doing the complete opposite of what they were supposed to do!
What doctors probably wont tell you, is supplementing with thyroid hormone is still just putting the bandaid on a problem (treating the symptom vs the cure). When you start supplementing with something, your body starts making less of it. So I decided to stop with the thyroid meds and doctors all together and started seeking natural remedies to heal my thyroid. There's a doctor out there called Izabella Wentz who wrote the book "The Root Cause" and focuses on curing thyroid issues, versus just covering up the condition with pharma drugs.
As I mentioned before, I think my problems are rooted in heavy metal toxicity. I was vaccinated as a child, was around lead paint much of my life, and most importantly had a mouth full of amalgam fillings (50% mercury, super toxic) and finally had them removed by a bio dentist in 2019. I then started chelating which is removing metals from my body using supplements such as DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid) and ALA (alpha-lipoic acid). And you know what happened the first night I took DMSA? I could literally feel the metals being pulled out of my thyroid! It was surreal. I chelated for about 12 months on those chelators, and then have been taking a separate supplement (TRS by Coseva) which also helps remove metals from your body, ever since. My journey with heavy metal toxicity isnt over yet (and may never be over), however the important part is I've noticed a huge difference in my overall health, including my thyroid. Cleansing our bodies of toxins is one of the most important things we can do for our heath.
The other thing I'm dealing with is sensitivity to electro-magnetic-RF fields (EMFs), which is likely a symptom of heavy metal toxicity (think - metals conduct electricity). I traveled to the Virgin Islands this past summer, we stayed on Saint John which is relatively remote and you know what? After about a week my thyroid swelling went down, my overall inflammation went down, I slept better than I've slept in years, no more insomnia, etc. This leads me to believe that my thyroid issues are not genetic, but rather just a symptom of a greater issue for me, which is living in a toxic environment. My husband and I are working right now on finding a home that is in a low-EMF area, which is not easy to do since we are constantly surrounded by wifi, towers, and the like.
TLDR: Sorry for the long response, but I feel it's a complicated topic with a lot of misinformation out there, and with many potential root causes. The takeaway here is to encourage your fiancé to find out the root cause of what is causing her thyroid issues. She may want to look into a naturopathic doctor, consider a gluten free/dairy free diet which has helped many, supplementing with iodine, and if she has any amalgams or history of exposure to metals, consider removing those from her body. Also, doing a parasite (along with a colon / liver / kidney) cleanse will do wonders to help her heal.
Be well, and best wishes in your / her journey!
I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me and will certainly look into Izabella Wentz!
Thank you for taking the time to draft all this out for us. Your time and information is much appreciated.