posted ago by SnowflakeScorcher ago by SnowflakeScorcher +29 / -0

Now you don't have to agree but I think I get what's going on & you guys may be able to ask these same questions, whether you all agree or not (at least we have the right to choose our opinions)

We thought Lula was going to be arrested. It's very disappointing that didn't happen.

I think one could ask why the military didn't listen to Bolsonaro. did deep state sneak in the plants while he announced he was going to make arrests? or did they become turncoats at the most inconvenient moments (unfortunately pretty common).

Now I think it's true Bolsonaro could've been threatened. Putin gets threatened all the time, although he doesn't give in to what WEF etc tell him to do. I know Brazil is pretty big, but are the threats larger in Brazil than in Russia?

This is a very complicated thing, but I think I'm scratching the surface at something here. People might say I'm doing this as a cope, but they're wrong -- I'm legitimately searching for the deeper meaning behind all this.