It has good information to consider. The 144,000 are Israelites, not Jews. The video is undermined by passing this information as fact. That word was never in existence prior to the 1600s. It certainly was not in existence during Jesus time. Furthermore, it has zero relationship to Judea, but rather comes from the old French derogatory word called 'Jeurie' that described the ghetto district that Khazarian (Yiddish) people resided. Later, this same word was called 'Jewry' in England when Khazarian people were allowed in England during Oliver Cromwell's reign.
Thank you for posting! Let's keep the faith that the rapture is near. What a crazy world these days!
It has good information to consider. The 144,000 are Israelites, not Jews. The video is undermined by passing this information as fact. That word was never in existence prior to the 1600s. It certainly was not in existence during Jesus time. Furthermore, it has zero relationship to Judea, but rather comes from the old French derogatory word called 'Jeurie' that described the ghetto district that Khazarian (Yiddish) people resided. Later, this same word was called 'Jewry' in England when Khazarian people were allowed in England during Oliver Cromwell's reign.