My hope, though it may be näive of me to believe it’s possible, is that it will cause enough players to finally grow a pair.
Did you watch his teammates expressions? That’s the look of, “holy fuck I didn’t believe this could happen, and could I be next” — their million dollar salaries are worthless if they’re dead or permanently injured and unable to play.
Damar Hamlin is 24 years old.
They can try and keep covering it up all they want.
Chances are they all got the booster on same day in the locker room as imposed by the team so if it's true he was boosted 12/26 most likely all the other players also were.
If it’s vax related, they will cover it up.
My hope, though it may be näive of me to believe it’s possible, is that it will cause enough players to finally grow a pair.
Did you watch his teammates expressions? That’s the look of, “holy fuck I didn’t believe this could happen, and could I be next” — their million dollar salaries are worthless if they’re dead or permanently injured and unable to play.
Damar Hamlin is 24 years old.
They can try and keep covering it up all they want.
I cannot imagine the horror of getting a jab because I was forced to and then watching this happen right in front of me.
Chances are they all got the booster on same day in the locker room as imposed by the team so if it's true he was boosted 12/26 most likely all the other players also were.