When talking to normies they shut down. Their minds only want to hear what they already think to be truth. As soon as you start leading their thinking, they close mind! They have been conditioned to do this. Public schooling has taught them not to think for themselves but to trust what someone they look up to has already said. So instead of giving them the truth, just drive them nuts. We can break them if we allow them to break themselves. Learn this statement and get used to using it over and over again. (It’s extremely powerful) “You know the truth, I don’t need to tell you what you already know!” And leave it at that! Reverse psychology. They will eventually start asking questions. Do not answer them. Force them to search on their own. Tell them, “you know the truth, I don’t need to tell you what you already know!”
🌶🔥🍿The GreatAwakening just hit hyper mode! Make a point not to mention the Vaccines when speaking about the NFL🎃
Karma Is a BITCH!
I had a lady approach me in a parking lot last week asking for a buisness card. She started asking questions about a job she wanted done. Every time I would start answering she would cut me off with what she thought the answer was. After 10 or so questions and being cut off with her answers, to her questions, I politely said "seems like you have all the answers so you have a great day" and started getting in my truck. She said "No! I have all the questions" which I replied to by closing my door and driving away. A little different then what we are talking about here but this points out the stubbornness we are dealing with here.
your only mistake was waiting to be interrupted for the 10th time