Apparently Clott Adams (forever his new name) thinks that his Twitter is a time machine! He won't take the "L", but he sure takes a lot of "D," doesn't he!
🕊️ (D = DENIAL, sheesh!) 🕊️

Clott is going to double down forever.... till he doubles over, that is
He took the Johnson as did I. Of all the horrible stories, they seem to be mostly Pfizer and Moderna.
The J&J had the most mRNA, I believe.
Nope, J&J used a viral vector, no mRNA. The same as "classical" vaccines. The FDA took it off the market because it wasn't killing enough people like the mRNA "vaccines".
You are correct, but I took the JnJ and had 7 months of messed up menstrual cycle and almost a year of ‘vaccine induced costochondritis’ so it was by no means a winner. Spike protein is still garbage.