What is your impression of Kevin McCarthy??
Let's Hear It!
Mine is one of total distrust. A backstabbing RINO who wants badly to climb the ladder to Speaker today and what, President or VP tomorrow? He wants the Speakership too badly. I think he'd compromise anything to get it. That's precisely the person we don't want. Instead, we want somebody who is rooted in principle with a spine of steel. I've had enough of the Paul Ryan types. Also, there's something particularly distasteful that he would share an apartment with Frank Luntz. Both probably like playing the skin flute.
McCarthy is a self-servant, not a public servant. He’s not alone either.
I don't give a shit about McCarthy but I care bigly about who Trump endorses.
Is this the general consensus over here on GAW?
Over on PDW people are starting to tell Trump to STFU.
Personally, I'm enjoying seeing the system actually work. Voting party line is how we got into this mess.
I wouldn't say it's the general consensus on the website, but I trust Trump more than any other politician.
I also wouldn't be surprised if the site gets flooded by communists / Reddit etc from time to time.
They did this with Twitter. Why wouldn't they do it here and now?
I've been seeing more and more examples of people being more critical of Trump.
Nothing big, just slight criticisms that just a month or so ago would have had people jumping on them. Now they're sliding by.
I've been mildly surprised about it.
He's seemed to be a bit off-message.
Not sure what he's up to.
Nothing new about supporters criticizing Trump. I wish he'd quit claiming so many lives were saved because of Project Warp Speed's poisonous jab. I also hate his constant spam emails soliciting contributions for goofy reasons. They come from his kids too. Things like "My Dad wants to see your name on the wall", "this is your last chance for 1000X", " You're one of my staunchest supporters and I want to have dinner with you" Donate to his campaign once and you're targeted by him and every politician running for office anywhere. .
I love the man and would vote for him again and again. But I often wince at the people who he surrounds himself with. Telling us to back McCarthy is like him telling us to get the vax. I keep thinking...please don't. Please stop.
Trump knows what he is doing. And I am not happy about the fickleness of people who are too easily led by shiny objects.