What's the plan
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Why does Trump continue to show support for WEF's Ukraine pocket square McCarthy? What am I missing? One thing I know for sure, Ye Ol Donald Trumps standing with most of his base is pissed and trickling quickly away from him. It's hard to watch. Both on Twatter and Truth.
I cannot pretend to know the mind of DJT, however, I do know that Trump derangement syndrome is very real in Libtardia.
Anything Trump wants the Dems will resist with all zealousness.
Why would Trump ever telegraph anything to the libtards?
Fair enough, I'm just trying to figure out if anyone here sees something I didn't notice. To be frank I've seen zero reason to support McCarthy.
Think logically.
McCarthy would have to openly betray all Republicans by giving Dems House committee chairmanships to get his needed votes from them. Suicide! His only other alternative is to Give Jordan and Gaets and others the power they need to sidestep his RINO ass.
He can either commit political suicide via open betrayal or give away over half his power to other true conservatives on day one. The choice is his and the pressure is on. Trump supporting him makes getting Dem support nearly impossible.
Making popcorn and laughing at the show.
I agree with this on the surface, but what would stop him from getting the Dem votes - with promised committee chairs - and then immediately reneging once he’s sworn in?
The Dems won't vote for anyone Trump endorses.
Thanks for this explanation. I haven’t been paying attention, McCarthy is too fake to look at to me. RINO ass, love it!