GUARDIANS OF THE PEDOPHILES — After unceremoniously firing Henry Cavill from the role of Superman, James Gun, the Guardians of the Galaxy director and new manager of the DC Comics film universe keeps Ezra Miller on as Flash. Birds of a feather flock together it seems! These people are sick!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Remember when Gunn, Teigen and their ilk thought Twitter was an exclusive playground for their sort to brag about kidsex.
Henry Cavill is canceled from The Witcher as well. Apparently he won’t put the dress on and fuck kids.
Nah, Henry Cavill walked out on The Witcher. He made the right call. The show runners of The Witcher series were doing the exact same propaganda and indoctrination that Amazon did with The Rings of Power show.
I applaud professionals like Cavill who stand on principles and who have the integrity to walk away from a project and a pile of money. Evidently Cavill is a huge nerd as well, and is now working on a Warhammer project.
It is just too predictable that James Gunn would fire Cavill, yet keep Miller. His excuse of wanting to start fresh with a new universe doesn't cut it anymore. Clearly this is a case of one pedophile protecting another pedophile.
Henry Cavill is too good for this world