Due to his constant self-promotion on social media, and choice of being smack dab in the middle of the COVID-19 discussion, his poor decision to take the poisonous vax has left him eating crow.
But he will not acknowledge his dumbness. Instead he confirms he really is an angry and pathetic loser with a filthy mouth.
Ugly words and insults are forever on the internet Scott. There are no Take-Backsies.
Excellent summary of the whole affair. What I don’t understand is why it matters. Are we adopting cancel culture now? Starting to sound like the spanish inquistion.
For many, many months, Mr. Adams went on and on about how selfish, stupid and dangerous the unvaxxed were and that we were morons putting him - and everyone else - at risk.
Educated members of our group and others carefully tried to explain & show why the vaxxes were not what they claimed to be and why a person should not be compelled to take such a dangerous experimental injection.
When an abundance of incontrovertible evidence surfaced showing the extreme injury and death caused by the injections, their lack of efficacy and the immune system damage that was happening in those who took it, (just as we told him) Mr. Adams professed that it was simply an 'accident' that we knew the truth before he did, discounting our many thousands of hours of collective research we shared with him as good citizens.
He finessed away his change of opinion, claiming innocence in his mistaken choice, giving no credit to those who tried to help him. Instead, he stated we surely were 'too stupid to know any of this' before he did, effectively dismissing all that we had done to help him.
So, his continued public spewing has now awoken the tiger.
We didn’t know, we guessed. It would be impossible to know for sure before evidence is present. Big pharma have no trust in our ranks, so it wasn’t a suprise that our guesses turned out to be correct, but still we guessed.
But I don’t care about that, cancel culture is wrong either way. If we are going to continue this spanish inquisition, how are anyone going to be able to switch sides without having to atone to a ”Grand jury”. This is hurting our cause.
Speak for yourself. I didn't guess. I do extensive medical research and had been watching what was happening in China, starting early December 2019, translating Chinese 'WeChat' social media videos (until it was shut down) and researching everything I could get my hands on as I watched it unfold. By Jan 15th, 2020, I had already ordered and received my face shields, N-95 face masks, boxes of blue paper face masks, Lysol Wipes, disposable gloves, rubbing alcohol, Lysol spray, antibacterial cleaners, hand sanitizer and $1,000 worth of backup food, cleaning supplies, toilet paper etc.
By end of Jan 2020, I had emailed all my close relatives a series of 4 emails showing them the videos from China, telling them what was coming and what supplies to buy. My husband and two children were getting briefs from me daily. I had a running chart of COVID-19 Positive tests and deaths in China that I updated daily for several months. I then started a chart for the US as soon as it hit here. I monitored those numbers constantly. I also was researching potential treatments, read articles by numerous authorities and began compiling everything useful on the subject.
By Feb 2020 (before masking, shut downs, etc.) I was having a conversation with an audiologist in Costco and she asked my why my cart was so full. I frankly told her that very soon things were going to change and she should get her supplies in order ASAP. I remember her asking where the virus came from. I replied it is a bioweapon made by the military. She said whose military? And I said, "Ours". She then said, well I guess I'll just wait for the vaccination. I replied, "NO!" "Do not take the vaccination." "It will be step two on the plan to reduce the population." I told her about Bill Gates' Ted Talk where he talks about how we can reduce the population by 15% with proper healthcare (abortion) and vaccines. I told her about the Chinese knockoff vape pen sickness in July/Aug 2019 that was killing young smokers on the west coast with a strange kind of 'ground glass appearance' being found in their lungs. I told her about the suspicious Event 201 Pandemic Preparedness Exercise that happened in Oct 2019. I told her about the Mystery Drones in Nov 2019 that flew over 5 heartland states, sickening school children so badly that entire school districts shut down. And then the first outbreak of The Virus in China in Nov 2019.
I knew it was all related. I spent hours every day researching and compiling and saving data and sharing this info to comment boards everywhere. This has continued to this day! I got into some very interesting conversations with others as we discussed what was unfolding. But soon, my shared links to published studies and patents and past medical interviews that backed up my statements started getting scrubbed or censored from the various social media sites like YouTube, Gateway Pundit, Bizpac Review, MSN, Voat, Q- boards, Reddit, etc.
For the record, I just checked my file folder I started back then titled: Wuhan Corona. It has 4,169 files in it and is 4.04 GB in size.
Due to his constant self-promotion on social media, and choice of being smack dab in the middle of the COVID-19 discussion, his poor decision to take the poisonous vax has left him eating crow.
But he will not acknowledge his dumbness. Instead he confirms he really is an angry and pathetic loser with a filthy mouth.
Ugly words and insults are forever on the internet Scott. There are no Take-Backsies.
Excellent summary of the whole affair. What I don’t understand is why it matters. Are we adopting cancel culture now? Starting to sound like the spanish inquistion.
For many, many months, Mr. Adams went on and on about how selfish, stupid and dangerous the unvaxxed were and that we were morons putting him - and everyone else - at risk.
Educated members of our group and others carefully tried to explain & show why the vaxxes were not what they claimed to be and why a person should not be compelled to take such a dangerous experimental injection.
When an abundance of incontrovertible evidence surfaced showing the extreme injury and death caused by the injections, their lack of efficacy and the immune system damage that was happening in those who took it, (just as we told him) Mr. Adams professed that it was simply an 'accident' that we knew the truth before he did, discounting our many thousands of hours of collective research we shared with him as good citizens.
He finessed away his change of opinion, claiming innocence in his mistaken choice, giving no credit to those who tried to help him. Instead, he stated we surely were 'too stupid to know any of this' before he did, effectively dismissing all that we had done to help him.
So, his continued public spewing has now awoken the tiger.
We didn’t know, we guessed. It would be impossible to know for sure before evidence is present. Big pharma have no trust in our ranks, so it wasn’t a suprise that our guesses turned out to be correct, but still we guessed.
But I don’t care about that, cancel culture is wrong either way. If we are going to continue this spanish inquisition, how are anyone going to be able to switch sides without having to atone to a ”Grand jury”. This is hurting our cause.
Speak for yourself. I didn't guess. I do extensive medical research and had been watching what was happening in China, starting early December 2019, translating Chinese 'WeChat' social media videos (until it was shut down) and researching everything I could get my hands on as I watched it unfold. By Jan 15th, 2020, I had already ordered and received my face shields, N-95 face masks, boxes of blue paper face masks, Lysol Wipes, disposable gloves, rubbing alcohol, Lysol spray, antibacterial cleaners, hand sanitizer and $1,000 worth of backup food, cleaning supplies, toilet paper etc.
By end of Jan 2020, I had emailed all my close relatives a series of 4 emails showing them the videos from China, telling them what was coming and what supplies to buy. My husband and two children were getting briefs from me daily. I had a running chart of COVID-19 Positive tests and deaths in China that I updated daily for several months. I then started a chart for the US as soon as it hit here. I monitored those numbers constantly. I also was researching potential treatments, read articles by numerous authorities and began compiling everything useful on the subject.
By Feb 2020 (before masking, shut downs, etc.) I was having a conversation with an audiologist in Costco and she asked my why my cart was so full. I frankly told her that very soon things were going to change and she should get her supplies in order ASAP. I remember her asking where the virus came from. I replied it is a bioweapon made by the military. She said whose military? And I said, "Ours". She then said, well I guess I'll just wait for the vaccination. I replied, "NO!" "Do not take the vaccination." "It will be step two on the plan to reduce the population." I told her about Bill Gates' Ted Talk where he talks about how we can reduce the population by 15% with proper healthcare (abortion) and vaccines. I told her about the Chinese knockoff vape pen sickness in July/Aug 2019 that was killing young smokers on the west coast with a strange kind of 'ground glass appearance' being found in their lungs. I told her about the suspicious Event 201 Pandemic Preparedness Exercise that happened in Oct 2019. I told her about the Mystery Drones in Nov 2019 that flew over 5 heartland states, sickening school children so badly that entire school districts shut down. And then the first outbreak of The Virus in China in Nov 2019.
I knew it was all related. I spent hours every day researching and compiling and saving data and sharing this info to comment boards everywhere. This has continued to this day! I got into some very interesting conversations with others as we discussed what was unfolding. But soon, my shared links to published studies and patents and past medical interviews that backed up my statements started getting scrubbed or censored from the various social media sites like YouTube, Gateway Pundit, Bizpac Review, MSN, Voat, Q- boards, Reddit, etc.
For the record, I just checked my file folder I started back then titled: Wuhan Corona. It has 4,169 files in it and is 4.04 GB in size.
So for me, IT WAS NOT A GUESS.