57 Theory: If the SHTF in markets, Congress will be too paralyzed to bail out anybody. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by Based_in_Space 2 years ago by Based_in_Space +57 / -0 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
With no House they won’t be able to pass any emergency TARP like bailout.
And no security briefings.
Yes I read that as well no more insider info to trade on.
If MOASS theory is correct, if congress is paralyzed, they won’t be able to stop it either if unable to pass any laws to stop it.
It’s all coming to a head soon. The storm will be upon us.
Awww, poor little Zelensky.
It may be to cover for the financial collapse. Keep them.from a bailout.