ALL Vaccines Are Unsafe & Ineffective: Things You Should Know about Traditional Vaccines
There is not a single RCT peer reviewed with true placebo control group vaccine study in existence. Not a single vaccine is necessary and safe.This substack is a daily battle against evil. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber: it’s 8 cents a day.
I had to get a physical for work a few days ago, and there was a section for vaccines. The doctor didn't ask about covid or flu, which was a pleasant surprise, but she specifically asked about tetanus and if I'd had a vaccine in the last ten years. I told her I couldn't remember but I was pretty sure I had. She then advised me that if I work outside a lot at home (and I do) that I should make sure to keep that one current.
Do any of you still get tetanus shots? This is the only one I would ever consider getting again, but now I just don't trust any vaccine.
Boosters for tetanus have been found to be ineffective as well as contain sterilizing agents.
Just another depopulation shot.
I watched this a few months ago. The guy who made it, mostly did it because he had a terrible adverse reaction to a tetanus shot. It has so much more information than that, but he explains what happened to him as well.
Trace Amounts: Ethyl Mercury (Educational Documentary)