posted ago by NewExpertBread ago by NewExpertBread +11 / -1

One of the biggest lessons in life I've learned is to define terms.

In work, I went through my youth not knowing the real job description or other social contracts and transactions I engaged in.

Not understanding this cost me a lot, but the lessons learned were far more valuable.

What is the ideology of America?

What are you fighting for?

American Hedonism, it's what the Founders intended.

When does Hedonism become Gluttony?

"The most good with the least pain."


What is consent?

Are Terms of Service true consent?

What is the Cardinal Rule of Hedonism?

Options + Consent = Hedonism

They limited our options, and destroyed a Golden Age of the Internet.

They eliminated consent and genetically raped us.

They dominated us financially and rigged the markets.

They wove spells through monitors and rewrote history in real time.

They gaslit us until our families accepted a false reality out of fear, or exhaustion.

They surrendered our safeguard institutions to liars and looters.

I could go on, but someone else wrote it better.


I could present evidence, but there are better Bakers.


What I can do is tell you where we are aiming as a society, and where we ought to be aiming.

What I can tell you is where it went wrong, philosophically.

What I can hope is that someone better than me can be there to make sure it's heard when it's time to hear it again.