posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +37 / -1

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. — Matthew 19:26

A couple of years ago, a video made its rounds on social media. It was a professor teaching a class about what could fit in a jar. It was a lesson on what you put in your life. He filled the jar with golf balls, then pebbles, then sand, and finally liquid. Each time before he added more to the jar, he asked if the jar was full.

In their eyes, the jar was full. There was no way that anything else could be placed in the jar. But their perspective was not that of the one who was in control. The professor knew that he would be able to fit more into the jar because he was the one in control. He knew how to manipulate the space based on the items he added. He knew just what it would take to prove his point. Through that, he received the attention of his class and the lesson he was trying to teach.

In this passage, Jesus used a similar illustration. He shared that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. Those who heard it marveled and asked questions. It seemed the task would be so difficult for someone to enter heaven. Jesus answered and gave the lesson and perspective that was needed.

When we face things in life, we often look at how challenging things will be. The road will be too hard, the mountain too high, or the valley too deep. But we are looking at it from our perspective. We aren’t seeing things from God’s perspective! He knows what He is doing.

God knows exactly what our lives can handle. While we may look at things and say it’s too much or too hard, He is looking for us to trust Him. When life becomes so much that it seems impossible, remember we are not seeing things from God’s perspective. For you, it may be impossible. But with God, anything is possible!

Jared Dyson