Q Supporters
This is The Great Awakening. Our community is international, focused on helping ourselves and others walk away from the programming, and return our governments to "by the people, for the people!"
Follow the Law
No posts or comments that violate laws in your jurisdiction or the United States. The Feds are always watching!
No Bad Behavior!
No doxing, including revealing personal information of non-public figures, as well as addresses, phone numbers, etc. of public figures. All GAW users must adhere to the highest standards of conduct, whichever .WIN they are on. If we are notified by other moderators of incivil behavior on other .WINs, you WILL be banned here!
Civil Discussion ONLY
They want you divided.
They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.
Divided you are weak [no collective power].
Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].
No PAYtriots/No Self Promotion
Linking or promoting merchandise, fundraising, or spamming personal websites, blogs, or channels is not permitted. Do not attempt to profit from Q or advertise for those who do. Peace is the prize. We do it for free.
Questions and Concerns
All moderation questions and concerns should be submitted via modmail. DO NOT GRIEF the mods.
Expand your thinking
Remember, this .WIN is the public face of the Great Awakening, and, as a member here, you agree to represent the Great Awakening movement against Globalism, Communism and Progressive Insanity in the best, most positive way possible. NOTE: Your comments and posts may become news. Keep it classy!
This is not a 'fringe conspiracy' site: Visit https://conspiracies.win if that's your thing!
No doomers or shills
If you can't use common sense, you'll get banned without hesitation. If you're a shill, you fall under this rule. If you're a doomer, you fall under this rule as you just add garbage to the site like the other two. This includes forum sliding.
General Rules
Mods will issue NO warnings, followed by temporary bans and/or permanent bans. DO NOT GRIEF THE MODS.
Keep posts related to topics Q has raised or that are current.
Keep post duplication (especially from other .WINs) to a minimum.
HIGH EFFORT, HIGH-INFO posts only! Please respect other readers' time. Please use descriptive titles. No URLs in titles, pls. No clickbait.
No fame-fagging; no, "your" post did not get removed! Were you the original author?? Eyes on the prize, people!
Memes encouraged, but no low-quality, low-info posts.
Keep it honest and accurate.
GAW Supporters ONLY. (Sorry, the train had no brakes.)
Handshake noobs will be scrutinized by their Q knowledge, sincerity, and respect.
Remember, your conduct here represents the Q movement! OUR ENEMIES ARE WATCHING!
Please direct all complaints to modmail first!