You guys KNOW perfectly well Obama is running Biden. You guys know perfectly well Obama went to China and kow-towed to Xi. That infamous public display of total subservience should have told you all you need to know.
The MB has been running things for the WEF - the WEF uses the MB to be their foot soliders to take down America.
Antifa, Dem mobster party, it all ties back. Think about every key US Dem Pol and discover they have an MB handler.
Nacy Pelosi:
"Carson would be the first Muslim to serve on the committee and was the second Muslim to be elected to Congress. He already serves on the Armed Services Committee and worked for the Department of Homeland Security’s Fusion Center — the clearinghouse established by the federal government to streamline data sharing between the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice and the military."****
... and Twitter, Facebook, Google, Youtube, etc. etc.
Famous But Islamic.
You guys KNOW perfectly well Obama is running Biden. You guys know perfectly well Obama went to China and kow-towed to Xi. That infamous public display of total subservience should have told you all you need to know.
The MB has been running things for the WEF - the WEF uses the MB to be their foot soliders to take down America.
Antifa, Dem mobster party, it all ties back. Think about every key US Dem Pol and discover they have an MB handler.
Nacy Pelosi: "Carson would be the first Muslim to serve on the committee and was the second Muslim to be elected to Congress. He already serves on the Armed Services Committee and worked for the Department of Homeland Security’s Fusion Center — the clearinghouse established by the federal government to streamline data sharing between the CIA, FBI, Department of Justice and the military."****
... and Twitter, Facebook, Google, Youtube, etc. etc.