Opposition henceforth is probably contrived for the NPCs to feel like they are eventually in agreement. Pom poms rattling to the finish line. Go team, or whatever.
Demands a 7 YEAR COOLING OFF PERIOD for them, bare minimum. That's the exploding offer to informants, right now.
Considering the allegations were true, that would be a sweet fucking deal.
Q clock also ended, I was just told, around the same time as most of this turn of events.
Listen closely to what this man is saying.
Now empathize.
Pretend you are a DS actor.
Pretend you are a 'kick the can down the road' kind of guy/gal/etc.
You have just been told the music has stopped.
What will ensue is PANIC.
What the 'left' and 'right' face will no longer be up for discussion, it will be what we are all about to face.
That is why the House is moving at lightning speed. They get it, they finally get it.
There is no saving us if we don't band together now.
Opposition henceforth is probably contrived for the NPCs to feel like they are eventually in agreement. Pom poms rattling to the finish line. Go team, or whatever.
Demands a 7 YEAR COOLING OFF PERIOD for them, bare minimum. That's the exploding offer to informants, right now.
Considering the allegations were true, that would be a sweet fucking deal.
Q clock also ended, I was just told, around the same time as most of this turn of events.