posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +34 / -1

And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. — Genesis 1:31

“It will take me months, or years, to deal with all this!” Those were the words I heard as I saw a person who was suffering. They had just watched their house go up in flames. The fire department was still there, working to make sure all the flames were out, but he was already thinking about the future.

It was a fire that had started due to a bad decision. I can’t remember the exact circumstance, but I remember his statements saying time and again if I had just done things differently. Now, he was left thinking about the future and the amount of time it would take.

That’s certainly how we look at things in life a lot of times. Many times in life, we make mistakes and start feeling bad for ourselves. We get so focused on trying to do things for ourselves that we often leave God out of the picture.

When we face situations like this in life, we have to remember that God is in control and to trust His plan. I’m reminded of the words here in Genesis. Think about all of creation — the creation of the world, sun, moon, and stars. The oceans were carved, and the fish and animals were created. Man was even created. God did all that in just a week!

If God was able to do all that in a week, can you imagine what He could do in your life?! What we see as years in the making, God can change in a matter of minutes. But we must put it all in His hands. We have to trust Him and His plan.

Jared Dyson