There is no peace, there is so safety. 90 in the pouring rain because I’m dying to feel something. The matrix has me so drained, Q has been a light for me to see in the tunnel. Yet all it’s done is expose me to even more darkness. The world will never be as it was when I was a child? When do we get out of this rat race of survival? 3.40 for a single Gatorade today… I don’t make enough to support the family I have how am I to grow or ever leave something for my children?
I’m so burdened by the slow knife frens. I can’t be alone, WWG1WGA, I just want to reach the good part. NCSWIC right?
The slow knife is there because you created it in your mind. Now is as good as it gets. What are you waiting for, a hero to save you? Look in the mirror, you are the hero. Don’t wait, the time is now.