You gathered that I took offense from that? It was an off-hand statement on her looks being as ugly as her policies lol. No worries. I understand the caution towards handahakes as I am the same way - long-standing and proud frog..just started a second account to separate my phone saves from my extensive pc file saves. When you red-pill friends and strangers in your spare time, organization is key.
You pulled that Iām anti-American from that?
What are you, drunk?
I'm cautioning myself to a handshake.
You could have just agreed but you took offense.
Apologies if I came to forward with you. I do that sometimes...
You can be whatever you like. But I will speak my mind regardless.
You gathered that I took offense from that? It was an off-hand statement on her looks being as ugly as her policies lol. No worries. I understand the caution towards handahakes as I am the same way - long-standing and proud frog..just started a second account to separate my phone saves from my extensive pc file saves. When you red-pill friends and strangers in your spare time, organization is key.
Keep going Soldier!!!
Keep being brave and voicing!! Don't let my dumbass be a stumbling block to your learning.
I do hope you dig until there is no tomorrow, because we are never guaranteed.
My Sincerest Fren!!
Haha cheers bud o7