I understand the obvious theories, they went after him to shut him up.. but what i dont understand... AJ didn't believe a school shooting occurred, their were very many weird anomalies. Whether it happened or not, thats not my question.. My question is, what makes this any different then all the lies that is fed to the world on a daily basis from the MSM. We have literally been lied to so much, they literally had to censor us online. I watched McCarthy's press conference today, it was very refreshing... but he literally in 15 minutes, just confirmed to the world that the media has been wrong about everything, hence he is considering getting rid of Trump's impeachments. He said " this is why the people have lost trust in our government". Is that the difference between AJ's case and the Media's power to lie all they want? ... AJ thinks critically and the MSM get "unverified sources" from FBI leaks and such. So msm get away with lying because the lies come from the government? Not only that, its only one side of the government. When Trump was president, they didn't help him out one bit. So maybe my question is... what examples could people sue MSM for in a similiar way they did to Jones? If vaccines, in the next year, are proven to be depopulation shots, MSM is safe because they followed the government guidlines. If Jan 6th, in the next year, is proven to be a set up by the schiff and the democrats, MSM is safe because they followed suit again. Russia collusion/dossier, complete hoax... safe. Is Jone's case different because people died? Is going against a narrative only sue worthy if their are deaths involved.. was it considered defamation? How is this any different than what MSM does DAILY? I mean.. familes are extremely divided like never before and suicide is at an all time high. Drug use, crime...etc.. Sorry for this long rant.. i hope it makes sense, i didnt spell check haha.
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Propaganda from the government was legalized. MSM lies came from government. They believe they are safe.
Alex Jones is sketchy as fuck, and so was the sandy hoax lawsuit. We can only speculate. It may not matter in grand scheme of things.
So your saying.. No matter how many lives are destroyed...it's legal for the government to lie.. and it's illegal to think a event was staged, even if it doesn't lead to any deaths?
That's what they did, yeah. Propaganda is legal. The court ruled they have title 18 imunity in other matters.
Lie, cheat, steal, all legal for the government.
It makes sense if you think about it. They get to make the laws.
Ok, that makes more sense.. and I do remember that now.. however, AJ didn't lie right? Was it his opinion? His opinion didn't lead to any deaths, right?